Plus Size Model and Body Positive Influencer Dyricka Tucker

Dyricka Tucker, is a 25-year-old Plus Size Model, body-positive influencer residing in Pensacola FL.  She is also pursuing a career in psychology. She currently holds a BS in Psychology and pursuing her MS in Social Work and will later strive to get her Ph.D. in Psychology to become a “Self Love” Doctor. She started modeling last year in a local show. she has plans to open her own plus-size boutique. She wants to inspire all women to love themselves FIRST. It’s the only way to true and everlasting happiness. 

PWH: In 3 Words Describe yourself and your brand?

DT: If I had to describe myself and my brand in three words I’d say we’re: ambitious, loyal, and trustworthy.

 PWH: You’re so confident in your body and in your career. Were you always this way, or was it something you had to learn and develop over time?

DT: Believe it or not, I hated the way I looked growing up, it made me so angry. I felt unaccepted, unwanted, and looked over all the time, when I attended big functions at school I’d walk with my head down. I felt like an outcast, even within my family. I didn’t find myself until the year 2015, I had someone who was genuinely in my corner, they didn’t expect me to be anyone except myself, they accepted me at what I thought was my worst. I eventually began to partake in things that made me happy which eventually lead to me losing a huge amount of weight, as time progressed I fell in love with my own ambition and leaped out on faith and began to model. Within my career I had to develop a shield of confidence within myself and the result has lead me to prosper within the industry.

 PWH: How did you get your start in the model industry?

DT: Last year I ran across a flyer on Facebook looking for models, plus-size models specifically and I leaped out on faith and submitted a video audition of my model walk, the show was called Pensacola’s Rip the Runway. After that it became show after show, picture after picture, and eventually I was being featured on plus-size pages on Instagram which is how I gained my following.

 PWH: Have you had to make any sacrifices in your career?

DT: I’d honestly have to say my biggest sacrifice has been my social life, I’ve learned that I can’t manage everything I have going and still have time to hang out, I’d rather work towards a bigger bag.

 PWH: Where do you see yourself in the future as a model and Body Positive Influencer?

My overall goal in life is to become a psychologist. I want to help people who aren’t so confident within themselves gain the confidence needed to prosper. Being able to incorporate my modeling career into my profession will allow others to get a relatable experience. Because I went through it and came out of a place of darkness, I can genuinely be an advocate, and physically show my testimony.

PWH:Bonus: Describe your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustle’s? 

DT: A Pretty Woman Who Hustles, is a woman that can never be defeated. A woman of ambition, strength, and the will to keep pushing after she stumbles. She is a woman who sill reach every goal she sets for herself, and a woman who will soon be in great financial wealth.

Follow Dyricka @thecurvydy

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