The Journey of a Singlepreneur: Playing the Me, Myself and I song

“Are you single?”


“Why are you still single?”

(roll eyes) “Because I want to be..”

These two questions drive me insane! And if you are single as well, it should too! Relationships can be a great thing, and sometimes it can ruin a person mentally, emotionally, and physically. My last relationship almost killed me! Yes, I said it! It was very toxic, and mentally, it was stressing me to the point, I would go to bed in tears or a bad mood. I enjoyed the attention, the talks on the phone, FaceTime, and spending time together. Even though it lasted only a few months, it was the worst relationship I’ve ever experienced in my life.

No woman should have to go through emotional stress, being talked down on, and wondering if he is cheating or not. But ladies, it’s deeper than that. I don’t think yall are ready for my little secret yet, but as a singlepreneur, it can be challenging because we walk in our high heels and carry our big pink purse. The question is, ladies, “Are you delighted?” we have to ask ourselves that because being single doesn’t always mean happiness because from time to time, those feelings of being alone are going to trigger our thoughts. If you have friends that are in relationships or that are married, it can be depressing as well. But sis, you got this journey, and God knew what he was doing when he made you single. It may be for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. Lord knows some of us don’t want to be available for a lifetime, but God makes no mistakes in reality! If we do end up single for a lifetime, how will you react to God’s plan? Will you continue to live in happiness? That’s something we don’t want to think about, and I sure don’t want even to picture myself being a lonely single woman without a relationship or marriage.

After my toxic relationship, I can honestly say I am not ready to date again. I want to focus on me and reflect on some things personal in my life that I have to deal with. Hang in there, ladies! It won’t always be like this! Being a singlepreneur is about learning ourselves by being fabulous and being a boss, babe as well!


The Journey of a Singlepreneur

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