Reka Robinson – Slaying Self Love

Ladies, have you ever been in a relationship where you felt you had no voice? Well, radio veteran, entrepreneur and certified NLP Life Coach Reka Robinson knows exactly what that feels like –  which may sound odd, considering the award-winning on-air personality has made a career from expressing herself for over 15 years. Still, in life away from music and entertainment, the Seattle native’s encounter with emotional abuse at the hands of a boyfriend forced her into a deep search for identity and self worth.

Now, as the “Single Girls Life Coach,” she is helping other women to discover their voices, to recognize that being single is not a punishment, and that their relationships with men should no longer define them. Through her growing Single You Academy and Single You Podcast, Robinson offers advice and counseling to women who desire to free themselves from tying their identity to men, so stop being doormats for men, and to recognize that they are powerful all on their own. 

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Reka and discussing her journey and process to becoming The “Single Girls Life Coach”. Watch our full interview below and connect with Reka online at

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