Meet Author Amber Branch

For the next 100 days, We are featuring Female Authors from across the nation for the sole purpose of highlighting books created by women for women.

Amber Branch, the author of two published lyrical novels, portrays the art of becoming the genesis of transformation through her poems. She is internationally respected as a linguistics/technical communication expert and writing coach.

Whether providing one-on-one career-advancement advice, hosting webinars, facilitating e-learning courses, implementing marketing/design concepts, or mentoring young ladies; she utilizes her 15+ years of experience & remarkable credentials, innovatively to help others.

She also serves as the head consultant of web and info design for Articulate Business Group (ABG). She holds two degrees. Her first degree is in Journalism and her second, from the University of North Texas. is in Linguistics/Technical Communication.

One of Amber’s favorite quotes comes from Ernest Hemingway

“…the writer must write what he has to say, not to speak it…” 

This statement is what led her to start Articulate Business Group LLC. She believes articulate writing is the foundation for articulate speaking followed by being what you speak about (becoming).     

Her books are created for anyone who has ever felt un-beautiful and unworthy of love.

When did you realize you held a gift for writing?
I’ve always loved to write. However my sixth-grade teacher Mrs. Johnson was the first person that told me how well I wrote.

What motivated you to publish your first book?
About 7 or 8 years ago, I let a friend in Houston, Texas read one of my poems called “Silent Tears”. His immediate positive reaction and advice to publish my poetry caused me to reevaluate my journals. I began to pray about it. I thought about all that I have been through – illnesses, sexual abuse/trauma. mental anxiety and depression. Then, I began thanking God for all the things He allowed me to go through because He was preparing me to become a published author. So, I guess the combination of all that motivated me to realize my pain has a greater purpose. So I must share my story.

Can you share the message behind your work?
That God cannot use you if you’re perfect. You have let Him use your imperfections to inspire others.

Also, it’s not about who you were or are but rather who you are becoming. Become a Beautiful Articulate Person – the genesis of transformation.

Where do you hope to see your work in the next 3-5 years?
My goal is to see my books on the shelves of libraries worldwide, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores. Moreover, in the hands of young ladies inspiring them to overcome, hustle & become better.

What advice do you have for upcoming authors?
Go hard with their writing. Push through the moments when they want to give up. They need to understand that their story has a purpose (whether fiction or nonfiction). Words have power and that’s the beauty of their story. All our stories unite us as beautiful articulate people. Hustle hard to sell more books. Also, realize that their book is their business and brand – treat it as such.

What is next for you as a writer, entrepreneur, and speaker?
Currently, I’m working on building my beautiful articulate brand. I am reaching out to organizations to inspire our young people – they need us now more than ever.

I have a few other books to complete and publish as well. However, as of right now, I do not have an expected date of publication for those books.

“May my words be uplifting and remind you, you’re your own beauty and that’s articulately beautiful!”

— Amber Branch

Support Amber by connecting with her on social media and purchasing her books here.

Instagram: @articulatebeauty1

TikTok: @articulatebeauty1

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