
” In times of despair make a way, find a way”

happy ethnic woman sitting at table with laptop

5 Things that will become superficial as a business owner

1. Happiness

Doing something you love and getting paid for it, is the goal we all have. We want to choose who we do business with and surround ourselves with positive influences. There are days where you will be the happiest person on the planet and everybody you meet is bubbly. Then there will be days where it feels like you fell off the planet. Learning your happy place is essential. Try looking at life from a place of joy and not greed.

2. Money

High numbers on the sales chart is what most crave in their business. We think if we market properly we will generate consistent sales. Overtime you will notice your sales invoice having alot of ups and downs. This is normal for any business owner. The money will come and the money will go. If you start a business with a foundation simply based on making money, it will not be strong to last the hardships that come with it.

3. Sleep

Sometimes it will feel like the days are running together. When you are developing a dream come true business, there will be many sleep less nights. Days that seem super long and some that seem short. The ultimate goal is to work smarter and not harder. This doesn’t mean slack off your work. This means always find new and easy ways to do things. You can start by researching and networking.

4. Time

Availability is key to becoming a business owner. However you have to keep your schedule realistic. You cant allow time to slip away from you and be late to business appts or work. You also cant put off personal appts or things planned with your family and friends. All work and no play is not healthy. Plan accordingly.

5. Power

Competition can wear you down. But don’t lose faith. Power is in your beliefs. Manifest worldwide support and stop being dependent on community uplifting. Always remember there are good and bad days that come with any lifestyle. Your power has to be placed in a spiritual realm. If you build it, they will come.

judgement scale and gavel in judge office