Women’s History Month Feature – Dana Jai Coleman

For Women’s History Month I will be sharing the stories that define and provide examples of women empowerment, uplifting stories of personal triumph and businesses that are inspiring and are making a difference for women. Women’s History Month is a declared month each year that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.

I want to introduce you to Dana Jai Coleman, CEO.

Dana Jai serves as a mother, activist, artist, Howard University graduate and lover of people. Inspiring and motivating others has long been a passion, and the recent pandemic concretely solidified that notion. It also revealed a vivid image of the one person with whom she often neglected to motivate and inspire: herself. That lack of motivation was the catalyst for personal and financial transformation, prompting an honest financial assessment that would soon allow her full responsibility of her life. That’s when she learned all things credit, and after a number of courses, reshaped her title from Dana Jai to Dana Jai, Certified Credit Repair Specialist and CEO! She worked diligently to restore her credit’s good health and after just 4 months, increased her scores from 494 to 700! She figured, if she could be helped then surely she could help others, and that is when Asset Allure, LLC was born….and the rest is history! She is currently seeking fresh opportunities to merge her love for people, art and financial acumen on a broader scale, while networking and meeting some dope folks in the process!

Here is HERstory:

My story is one hell of an adventure! I always say my life is a T.V. Not the T.V. show, but the whole T.V….. remote, DVR, Netflix, all of that. I’m always up to something and it’s sure to be exciting! I’m a mother to a beautiful daughter, a Howard University graduate and a dope individual. I had this cool home birth that I’m forever proud of, I’ve been in a few televisions shows and I can say the entire “The Lord’s Prayer” in Spanish! I was born on the East, raised in the South and will definitely move to the Caribbean before it’s all said and done. I’m somewhere floating between becoming a Badass Boss Chick and hanging this all up to roam naked on an island praying to the Sun God on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. I plan to be the BEST at everything that I want to be the best at. I’m DOPE. If I had an Instagram, I’d say follow me. But I don’t, so I can’t. But soon…and when I do, FOLLOW ME!! It will be well worth it!

Her business is Asset Allure, LLC.

What advice or words of inspiration would you like to share with someone?

Words of advice I’d give to someone are, “It ain’t over until it’s alright. If it’s not alright, it ain’t over.” My grandmother used to tell me that and it’s so incredibly true. Just give things time to become what they’ll be while allowing them to be what they are in that moment. And if it ain’t alright, there is more work to be done, and thats ok! She also used to say, “God loves a duck…quack, quack!” I have NO idea what it means but God DOES love a duck….so quack quack! Take that as it resonates lol.

What do you want your legacy to be?

I will leave an impact. A positive impact. I plan to have a strong, positive effect on everyone that crosses my path. Not only will I be remembered for great works, but I will resonate. Deep within the body of those who risk declaring my name will live a rich, full, girthy swell of vibrance, beauty and realness….all of which is me. All of which is my legacy.

What inspires you?

I am most inspired by inspiration itself, knowing that I can transform any moment at any instance into pure brilliance, from pure brilliance. I become the alchemist with every necessary tool before me, able to create ANYTHING imaginable! Knowing that inspiration can stem from anything at all, excites me! Inspiration is dope!

What does self care mean to you?

Self care for me means learning from the past, especially mistakes. I’ve been known to have an addictive personality, often leading into a sea of nebulous trouble followed by sorrow. It became an icky pattern, attaching myself to people, places and things not meant for my highest good, and yet I couldn’t seem to pull away or understand why I WASN’T getting different results. I was insane. Self care means, recognizing patterns within, identifying triggers, and establishing a plan for the desired outcome. After all, I’m 30 years old now…it’s time to start taking full responsibility for my actions and well being….one of the highest forms of self care, responsibility.

What obstacles have you overcome or hurdles did you personally face and how did you overcome them?

I battle with depression. It is a constant battle, possibly daily even. It is something that I have struggled with for years, to the point where I had serious thoughts of checking out on the midnight train, and I ain’t talking about to Georgia! I didn’t want to live, but with the help of good peers and a glimmer of hope for the future, I chose to live my life. I’m choosing to live my life. I am honestly not sure if I will ever overcome depression, but I am hopeful and have found great ways to manage it, like acting a fool sometimes, releasing others’ expectations of me and truly just being present in EACH and EVERY moment.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

I realized that entrepreneurship was for me as a young child. I can remember times of wanting to sell cds, candy or my latest concoction made of jello and yeast. Lemonade stands ignited a fire within me. Money excited me and being bossy was fun sometimes too! I started working as SOON as I could and at times, had a few jobs at once. But I later realized that I couldn’t possibly allow another to determine my value and worth, per hour. I’m too creative, unorthodox and original to be forced into someones box, so entrepreneurship seemed like the obvious route.

What would you say is your most driving motivation to keep doing what you to do?

My driving motivation to keep things going is myself. What is my personal best…in all areas? This is personal. I know for a FACT I have not touched the surface of my potential and I can’t go out like that. I am a very curious person. Also my dad! I’ve always wanted to make him proud.

What’s next for you in your business/brand? What can readers look forward to from you?

What’s next for me? I plan to go all the way! I have a few radio interviews scheduled and I’d certainly love to do more. I also plan on conducting live speaking engagements, especially for young [Black] adults. When I was a much younger, Black adult, I had NO IDEA about credit and how to use it and by 18, I was already heading down the wrong financial path. Unfortunately, my parents couldn’t teach me because they didn’t know. And they didn’t know because their parents had no clue either. I have faith that we’ll get there though. Also, I’ll be introducing major enrollment incentives for my financial company soon and I’m working to re-launch my YouTube channel for more fun, education and streams of income.

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