Tapping into Soft Girl Era

ethnic woman with folded lips doing skin care procedure


Ever felt like their wasn’t enough hours in the day to have some “me time”. The job is pulling your arms, your kids are calling your name and you haven’t even did anything that you want to do yet. Steady giving away yourself to everyone else instead of pouring back into yourself. Many don’t realize the secret to being happy is to make yourself happy. I know some will question, how can I make myself happy? Well first you will have to figure out what is it that you like to do. How else to do that than by actually taking a leap of faith and going outside to explore. Experience is the best teacher and will help guide you to try new things, so you can decide if you like this or that.

You might find yourself buying paint, or material to sew, makeup, a notebook for starters to tap into your creative side. To help maintain the beauty of woman, you can always count on the salons for hair and nails and also spas that offer a lot of services that contribute to relieving stress, such as massages, facials and saunas. Even the gym is good for your own personal health and offer benefits for members. Once you start to see what you are capable of creating as well as how beautiful you are, this will give you a confidence booster and allow you to feel in control.

With the changes in roles between men and women, women have no choice but to become dominant. This as an attitude adjustment because this requires women to think and act differently. It requires a lot more effort when taking on jobs that put them in leadership positions. This can take a toll on a person’s mental and physical, which can alter how men look at women. Women have started making more money than men and becoming millionaires without help from men. This can drive a wedge in finding a partner, and at the end of the day a partner is someone who can help balance out your day to day. This will require another adjustment and changing the mindset of “I don’t need a man”. Men still would like his lady to be soft with him even if at work she is strict. Its about finding the balance.

Phenomenal Expressions is putting together an anthology book that will dive into a Self Care; 12 month cycle of ways to tap into your Soft Girl Era. Currently looking for 11 contributors (fee associated) that can provide examples and details to help others who maybe struggling in this area. If interested please reach out by email akilahexpressions@gmail.com.

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