Inspiring Change: Angelica’s Mission to Unite Women Everywhere

Meet Angelica Robinson ,MBA a Detroit native. She is passionate about her spirituality and uniting women of color. Angelica is a best selling author, speaker, coach and entrepreneur. So without further delay let’s get into it.

Where are you from? What are your hobbies?
I was born and raised in the City of Detroit and attended Detroit Public Schools. I was predominantly raised by my grandmother, who eventually passed away when I was in my early teens. It was then that I came under the full care of my mother.

Although I did not have much of a childhood, I enjoyed family time. To this day, I still enjoy family as one of many hobbies. Just to name a few others, I enjoy traveling, watersports, planning events, golfing, and believe it or not, learning about cultures.

Before you started you’re journey into entrepreneurship, you went into law enforcement. What led you down that path?

Before venturing off into entrepreneurship, as a young adolescent I admired the police officers that I would see at the different schools and their positions, which led me to become a school safety patrol officer. I always had a love for assisting or helping others in some sort of way.

Although, I was picked on and bullied growing up, I never let that stop me from being a good person to others. I unfortunately grew up in a very dysfunctional family where compassion and love was not shown, it was more mental abuse if anything. I was also molested by family members, and when I told no one did anything.

Therefore, that is where a lot of my ambitious drive and passion to become a law enforcement officer came from.

You do a lot for the community through your job DPD. What has been the must fulfilling to you?
Being acknowledged by those individuals who were initially against you because of the authority you hold, and then eventually having a different perspective once a situation has been de-escalated and/or given time to think things through clearly.

As a female in law enforcement what advice would you give other women entering that field?
As a woman in law enforcement, I have experienced firsthand the unique challenges and rewarding opportunities this particular career path has to offer. Therefore, my advice to other women entering this field would be to embrace your strengths, build resilience, and always stay confident. Most importantly, remember your why.

As you approach the end of your law enforcement career you already have so many things in place. You are an best selling author with your book Uncuffed Voices. Tell us about that. How did you get involved in the project?
How I became a best-selling author was divinely orchestrated by my God. I was going through a very dark time in my personal life, where I felt like my entire world was falling completely apart, and once again, it started to affect my professional life. That is when one night, scrolling through IG, I came across Chief Chanel Dickerson’s Instagram, and that is where I began my Uncuffed Voices journey.

Can we expect any other penned projects from you in the future?

Yes. Through the Uncuffed Voice Movement, I have developed my platform, Angelica Speaks. I have seminars for women in business being set up, collaborations with a well-known fashion designer, and another anthology, but this time it’s my own.

I feel like we have so many things in common. For example multiple streams of income. Not only are you an author but, you have a security company and a new platform that you started calls Angelica Speaks. Tell us about that. What was the drive behind this project?

The drive behind the Angelica Speaks platform is to bring and unite more women together, especially women of color. Since childhood, I have been betrayed by those women I trusted to protect me but failed, and to this day, I’ve encountered the same. Yet, I still advocate for and have a love for all women.

What can we expect from Angelica Robinson in the future?

What can you expect from Angelica Robinson? The most sought after trailblazing amazing transformational speaker.

Where can the people find and support you? 

You can reach me at 



Any last shout outs or any body you want you to acknowledge:

First, I give praise to the almighty Lord, my God, my immediate family, and saving the best for last, MZ.CDK of Kreative Kreations, for believing in my vision, supporting me, and continuously pushing me forward to make things happen.

Thank you, Angelica, for sharing your story with us at Pretty Women Hustle online Magazine. We wish you nothing but success in your future endeavors.

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