Building Dreams: Candace Okin’s Mission to Foster Young Entrepreneurs

Candace Okin is a writer by profession, having crafted a more than 10-year long career
comprising a variety of writing techniques including creative writing, grant writing, marketing,
scriptwriting and a host of other writing styles, primarily within nonprofit settings.
Most recently, Candace has used her skills to engage children through imaginative literature,
which highlights practical life skills. Her first book, Mason Makes Money Fund, Mason Makes
Money, chronicles a child’s journey through fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship and
money management.
Inspired by the impact of the book, Candace established Mason Makes Money Fund in 2020.
Mason Makes Money Fund is a Houston based nonprofit serving a mission to positively
influence and support the next generation of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and visionaries to
reach their highest potential. Harnessing, mentorship, financial resources, education, and
dedicated support systems, the Fund is committed to igniting the entrepreneurial spirit within
youth ages 7-13 across the country. In its short existence, Mason Makes Money fund has
impacted the lives of over 250 kids, and an additional 5,000+ individuals with entrepreneurial
and money management education, activities, and engagement.
Along with incepting the Fund, Candace directs and leads all programs in service to youth and
young entrepreneurs.

 What inspired the start of your brand?

  I was inspired to start the ‘Mason Makes Money brand because I was not satisfied with the information inside of the children’s book (Mason Makes Money) I had written JUST BEING the contents of a children’s book. I wanted to catalyze that content and use it as a way to build and empower the next generation. I wanted to be part of an effort that ensured that the next generation had more access to the education, resources, and support they need to reach their highest potential and achieve financial stability and wellness than ours did.   

What has been the biggest challenge of running a brand like yours?

 The brand, in my opinion, sells itself. But as powerful and as important as I believe this brand is, it is only TRULY impactful with support from the community. The dark side of chasing and living your dream is that it can be an isolating, lonely experience. The prospect of taking on all that comes with what I want to do and what I want this brand to be alone can be challenging. But the vision continually fuels the work!

How does your brand impact the community?

Mason Makes Money Fund positively influences and supports the next generation of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and visionaries to reach their highest potential. Harnessing, mentorship, financial resources, education, and dedicated support systems, we are committed to igniting the entrepreneurial spirit within youth ages 7-13 across the country. In our short existence, we’ve impacted the lives of over 250 kids through entrepreneurial education, and an additional 5,000+ individuals with money management education.

We accomplish our mission by providing free in-person and virtual workshops that cover an array of entrepreneurial and financial topics which include marketing; effective communication; budgeting; customer service; branding; and business planning. The crown jewel of our program is our awarding of three microgrants to three youth entrepreneurs each year for $500 to be used to fund their businesses. To date, we’ve funded six kids and counting.  

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

In the next three to five years, I hope to see the brand self-sustaining and flourishing, offering more products and services to kids, and achieving an international following.

What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?

 As cliché as it may sound, be yourself, trust yourself, and bet on yourself. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what and who I wanted to be when I could have just been myself all along and succeeded. I do think it was something I had to go through to understand that lesson more profoundly, so I don’t regret it, but I wish I had had a little more confidence in who I was, what I offered, and my own unique purpose and power.

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you? 

Being Pretty and Black Owned honestly means balance to me. It is getting to the bag, and looking good while doing so. It is hard work and good sleep. Late nights and leisurely mornings. Being a strong leader and living a soft life. It is taking care of yourself, and taking care of your business. It can be very easy for an entrepreneur to be overcome by the demands of your business, but you must take care of yourself, otherwise, your business will suffer. I appreciate and admire the mindset of being Pretty and Black Owned spearheaded by the Pretty Women Hustle brand, and I strive every day to achieve this balance!

Social Media Links:@CandaceOkinBooks@MasonMakesMoneyFund


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