Meet Author Sabrina Oyinloye

Sabrina Oyinloye is a Multipotentialite. She Engages In Ranges Of Activities Which Includes: Brand Management, Content Development, Fictional Writing, And Fashion Designing. The Charismatic Beauty Started Her Life As A Commercial Model For Magazines And Consumer Goods Companies. She Obtained Her Ordinary National Diploma in Mass Communication From The Polytechnic Ibadan and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Lagos.

She Is The Founder & Executive Director of Lioncubs Dream World; a Business Venture That Comprises Lioncubs Romance And Lioncubs Apparel.

She is a multigenre author of twelve books, When The Hearts Bind, A promise Renewed, A Piece Of You, To Tame The Amber-eyed Feline, Unyielding Flame, Prince Omotade Rules Of Engagement & Prejudice, The Hidden Scar: Tokophobia, Rein In Destiny. Series: When You kissed Me (A Valentine Seasonal Series – Mystery/International Crime), Christmas Wish (Seasonal Christmas Stories), Deja Vu: The Realm Surfer(A mythological fairytale/Supernatural Fantasy)

She Is A wife And A Mother of Two Lovely Boys And A Beautiful Daughter.
She enjoys Reading, Travelling, People Watching, Movies, Searching for the Next Adventure.

Her everyday Mantra “Because I believe there are no challenges in life that cannot be surmounted, I’m all about creating the most engaging, inspiring, educational, adventurous, passionate, and thrilling experiences for my readers.”

You are a woman with many titles, how do you balance your day-to-day demands of life and still make time to write?

My fashion business is a make-on-demand kind of arrangement. That is when clients want a set of branded shirts or jackets for their businesses or an individual wants a customized outfit or dinner dress we make it when the order comes in. That gives space for me to explore my other creative side. So when I am not marketing, or under pressure to finish an order, I draft dress patterns using my daughter as my model – which she often finds quite exasperating, but it is hardly my fault she has a perfect mannequin figure for it. Or maybe it is. (laughs.)

While drafting or sewing – I have my own special room for this, the solitude gives me the luxury for my brain to cook up the entertainment for myself. And so the stories are like movies in my head geared by an experience, or an encounter somewhere, somehow. So when I have a personality shift, if that makes sense, from the fashion designer to the Author, I merely download and breathe life to the drama playing in my head. And more often than not, like the readers, I do not know how the stories would end until the final word is written.

When did you realize you held a passion for writing and sharing stories from all genres?

I had wanted to be a news anchor and or a journalist. Growing up, I thought they were pretty cool and knowledgeable.

And I figured they get to go on adventures in search of stories to keep everyone abreast with what was going on in the world. Hence my diploma in Mass communication. And I even did my Industrial Attachment/Internship at the Guardian Newspaper, writing articles and covering sports events which were published under Junior Guardian, Sunday Desk from February to April 1999.

I could still remember how excited and proud I was to see my stories and my name boldly written under the headings in the newspaper. But I later changed my mind and decided on Business Administration for my first degree. For some reason, I felt the news writing was a tad rigid and formal. It has certain rules you mustn’t break and doesn’t give room for one to be creative enough. 

A friend who went ahead to make that dream come true for himself and became a Television host, met me a few years ago and asked about my journalism career and wasn’t quite pleased that I dropped it. 

He insisted I should explore the passion I had for writing and that it would be a shame to just let it die. He was so adamant about it, and pestered me thereafter, that I decided to write a detective story, using him as my MC with the aim, of course, to kill off his character just so I could make him stop! 

And bless his heart, after reading the manuscript he replied: “Okay . . . ouch, what next?”  

Let me just say, he made me start. And once I ignited that fire, I couldn’t stop. And I am blessed to have met someone like that. 

About the genre. Believe it, I didn’t know I was writing more than one genre until I joined the writing community. I suppose I just have that talent and I was just . . . writing. 

How would you describe yourself as a writer?

 I like my readers to be able to feel the emotion and clearly visualize my characters and connect or empathize strongly with them, and so I feel the emotion and strive to interpret it well enough for the readers to grasp and somehow experience it. I suppose then you could say, I am the kind of writer who connects strongly with my poetic range of written words. 

 As someone who has written numerous books, what does your creative process look like?

 An experience or an encounter ignites a storyline and it begins. Scenarios play repeatedly in my head with the title and by the time my Author side surfaces, I already have my work cut out for me.  

Cover: I would normally not move from this stage until the cover fits the story and each time I look at it, it inspires and tells a story of its own. 

 Names: The concept of the storyline gives me the idea of the characters’ names. If the MC is going to be a Prince or a Warrior, the name must, somewhat, mirror the personality. 

The Story Drafting & Editing: This stage doesn’t end until I can read through the story and find no desire or urge to change a thing. 

What common message do you hope women take away from your work?

I like to write about strong, capable female characters. I suppose as an African, it’s an indelible trait. I also let the vulnerable side slip at times making it apparent that the two sides can be balanced with a desirable result. And thus, let us know as women that we have an indestructible, innate strength that can make us wade through almost anything! And being vulnerable with others or appearing so, doesn’t necessarily mean weakness. 

What is next for Sabrina as an author?

I hope to continue to be productive: turn all my books into audiobooks in different languages. And adapt a few into movies and/or television series. I would also like to get Masters’s in Literature and Creative Writing. And lastly, when I’m ready, get a few of my new projects, traditionally published. 

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

A physically attractive female with an intelligent mind and the propensity for productivity. 

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