Empowering Leadership: Shannon Jackson’s Journey to Success

Born and raised in Compton, California, Shannon Jackson was a teenager pregnant at 15, struggling to discern the purpose of her life and make everyday work while providing for herself and her child. At 22, she graduated as a registered RN, working diligently to support her family. She learned perseverance, grit, and dedication.

Now, she is the CEO of Living Your Life Without Limits. With 30 years of leadership experience, Shannon Jackson, RN, “The People’s Nurse” has built her leadership and mentoring reputation by collaborating with organizational leaders who want to develop their organization’s talent and improve their productivity. Jackson has been featured for her advocacy and work via the Kelly Clarkson Show and The Sisuandra Show.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Shannon to discuss her inspiration behind Living Your Life Without Limits as well as her future plans in entrepreneurship.

What inspired your start in entrepreneurship and helping people?
My passion for mentoring and uplifting others has always been a driving force in my life. I had the privilege of leading the testimony service at my church for several years, where I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of supporting and guiding individuals. Simultaneously, I found myself taking on leadership roles at a young age, which felt like a natural fit for me. Combining these experiences, I realized that entrepreneurship and helping people go hand in hand. The opportunity to make a positive impact on others’ lives and empower them to achieve their goals was incredibly inspiring, leading me to embark on this entrepreneurial journey.

What are the biggest challenges you face as an entrepreneur and leader?

My biggest challenge as an entrepreneur has been digital marketing. Understanding the power of digital marketing has been a struggle for me. Building a team that truly understands the brand and knows how to effectively communicate our message has also been challenging. Honestly, I am still in the learning process. However, the positive aspect is that I have faith in my abilities and believe in the purpose of my company. Starting this business was intentional, and I am confident that not only am I pursuing something I enjoy, but we will also thrive.

What does your current self-care routine look like for you?

Self-care has become incredibly important to me. It was something I had to learn and prioritize in my life. The name “Living Your Life Without Limits” came to me while I was driving in my car. It felt like a message from God, a reminder to myself. So now, I make sure to take care of my spiritual health by spending time in prayer and meditation. When my mind is in the right place, everything else falls into line.

In addition to spiritual practices, I also enjoy getting facials regularly. It’s a small indulgence that helps me relax and rejuvenate. Spending quality time with my family and friends is another important aspect of my self-care routine. Engaging in various activities with them brings me joy and helps me unwind.

There is no set pattern or routine for me when it comes to self-care, except for my daily prayer and meditation. I simply carve out time every day for myself, and it may involve different activities or practices. The key is that it is focused on my well-being and self-care.

What are some of the most common questions you receive about becoming a leader and mentor for people?

One of the most common questions I receive about becoming a leader and mentoring others is how I got started. I often share the story of when I was working as a new nurse, just one year out of nursing school, on the night shift. My nurse manager at the time, Gwendolyn Moore, used to come in to work early and would call me into her office, closing the door behind us. Naturally, I thought I was in trouble.

To my surprise, she saw something in me and wanted to groom me to become her assistant nurse manager. At the time, I was only 23 years old, a single parent with two kids. I must admit, I thought she was crazy. However, she only asked one thing of me – to always make her look good. She was investing in me by providing mentorship, training, and trust.

I took her request to heart and delivered above and beyond her expectations. I made sure to excel in my role, constantly improving my skills and knowledge. As a result, I was eventually promoted to a higher role within the organization.

This experience taught me the importance of having someone believe in you and provide opportunities for growth. It also showed me the power of mentorship and how it can shape someone’s career. I am forever grateful for Gwendolyn’s belief in me and the doors she opened for my professional development. It is a lesson I carry with me as I now mentor others and strive to be a supportive leader.

How do you hope to continue growing your brand over the next couple of years?

Our focus on growing our brand over the next couple of years includes several key strategies:

1. Conducting market research and analysis to identify emerging trends and potential opportunities.
2. Continuously innovating and expanding our product offerings to meet the evolving needs of our customers.
3. Implementing brand differentiation strategies to distinguish ourselves in the marketplace.
4. Seeking strategic partnerships to expand our market reach and leverage synergies.
5. Enhancing our digital marketing efforts and strengthening our online presence to engage a wider audience.
6. Placing a high priority on delivering exceptional customer experience and ensuring customer satisfaction.
7. Embracing a culture of continuous learning and adapting to stay relevant in a rapidly changing business landscape.

With recent certifications achieved and our product range expanding, I am genuinely confident in our company’s potential for significant growth in the near future. It is crucial for our team members to share the same level of belief and fully embrace our vision and brand. By embracing the process and maintaining unwavering confidence, we will work diligently towards our goals, knowing that success will come through perseverance and determination.

Can you name a female entrepreneur that inspires you?

Sahar Andre is a successful business consultant and Forbes magazine contributor who has built an empire by doing what she loves. With over 25 years of steady growth in her business, she exemplifies the power of pursuing one’s passion. I believe that the key to anyone’s success lies in doing something they love. When faced with challenges and difficult times, individuals who are truly passionate about their work can weather the storm and come out on top. It is important to find fulfillment in what you do, as it fuels motivation, creativity, and determination. However, success does not come without effort. Hard work, resilience, and continuous learning are essential for long-term success. In summary, it’s important to follow your passion and combine strategic thinking and personal growth to achieve lasting success.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

My definition of a pretty woman hustler is a fierce and confident individual who embraces their inner strength and beauty while fearlessly pursuing their goals and dreams. They exude self-love and radiate confidence, knowing that their worth is not defined by societal standards. With unwavering faith in their abilities, they navigate through challenges and setbacks, always rising above with grace and determination. They understand that success is not just about external appearances but also about the power within themselves. A pretty woman hustler is a force to be reckoned with, inspiring others to embrace their own beauty, talents, and resilience.

Connect with Shannon Online:

Website: https://livingyourlifewithoutlimits.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/livingyourlifewithoutlimits/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/livingyourlifewithoutlimits
EVERGREEN– COURSE JOIN: https://livingyourlifewithoutlimits.com/join-our-courses/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/livingyourlifewithoutlimits
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra1RPl0nuoo&feature=youtu.be

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