Black History State Tour

Looking to Celebrate BHM why not Tour the States 

Detroit Michigan 

“Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History

Home to over 35,000 Artifacts .

  • Rosa Parks Bus Tour
  • Mo-Town Records
  • Henry Ford Museum

 Hampton, Virginia

  •    Emancipation Oak Tree
  • 400 years of Black History
  • First African In Virginia Mark
  • Hampton History Museum
  • Hampton University Museum

 Little Rock Arkansas (Little Rock Central High School)

“Special for Educators”

  •   End of Segregation {Brown vs. Board}
  •     Little Rock Nine Memorial

Kansas City, Missouri 

  • African American Athletic History
  • Negro League Baseball Muesum
  • Jazz Museum  contributing to African Americans

She’s Pretty and Black Owned: Meet Shanice Love

Shanice Love was born on October 25, 1982, in Miami, Florida the oldest of six children born to Haitian parents. She was always ambitious and reliable keeping with the firstborn trait and always a natural leader.

Shanice was born into a family where the patriarch and matriarch functioned in the tradition of their former Island home, Haiti, ruling with an iron fist and not giving way to modern practices and beliefs when it came to their home. The home was filled with love and encouragement not based on an image, but the world outside of her home gave a message contradictory, the meeting of those two places is where she would be forced to define herself for herself, putting to rest some things and bringing forth a new life through others.

When asked about this period in her life and the significance it holds to the woman she is still becoming she responds, “Suffering from depression and not understanding what was draining my energy and stealing my joy was unbearable. No more no less, during the times of my pre-teen and teenage years, depression and mental illness were not something discussed. It was not believed to affect people of my descent. I was struggling with accepting my sexuality, I am a lesbian. I was struggling with accepting my body changes, I was developing, becoming a woman, I was blind to what was wrong, and therefore I delayed my healing process. I could not become the person I was destined to become because I did not know who I was; I simply existed so I needed to find out what it was like to live, my rebirth started with acceptance.”

Shanice accepted that the perception society holds of one does not have to become one’s reality and her self-image would not be bound in insecurities because of how she was perceived or put into a box by society. She became educated on the subject matter of depression and used her vulnerabilities about herself to empower her to become a catalyst for change. She is the phoenix, self-doubt was put to rest, and self-assurance and self-love were birthed; out of the ashes rose, First Lady Truth.

First Lady Truth is the businesswoman, the advocate, the keynote, and the motivational speaker. First Lady Truth is the variable in the equation which functions to drive the whole of Shanice to success; she is focused and understands that to constantly evolve one must always align themselves with opportunities to grow.

Shanice Love, is a powerful woman poised to prosper but she knows she is nothing without her faith; her faith does not lie in religion but in the maker of all things and the one who sustains her. She believes with the spirit that dwells within her, she controls her destiny acting on the free will granted to her; to control her thoughts, then her words, and then her actions.

First Lady Truth is standing on the precipice of greatness advocating for justice, promoting social change and togetherness creating new avenues for expression while remaining centered and humble. She has been running for a long time but realizes now she is evolving and First Lady Truth is ready for the world to take notice, it is Loyalty Enterprise’s time to receive and give abundance!

A Glimpse into Shanice Love’s Entrepreneurship Journey

Loyalty Enterprise was established in 2011 as a YouTube channel that provided support to members of the LGBTQ who simply needed to talk. The channel was extremely successful and in early 2012 we added LezFemmeMentality, a blog site that interviewed Celesbians and their allies. As we continued to evolve and make a name for ourselves we launched What The FCK Radio and quickly became a fan favorite for all things media and LGBTQ.

Depression took over my life after the passing of my father and I no longer wanted to do what I loved. I spent the next three years healing and trying to get back to me. I felt that I couldn’t continue to be a voice in my community because I no longer knew who I was.

When we re-emerged in 2017 we had the same mission but decided to execute it in a different manner. I took all of my experience as a journalist and used it to build and brand a successful firm. 

Here we are in 2022 and although we are still a small firm we operate with an empire mindset branching off into multiple business industries. Our mantra is that we represent the evolution of Black Women In Business. With Loyalty Enterprise as the parent company, we have taken the opportunities presented to us to create a business model that promotes diversity and the vision of Black Women in Power. 

LE Creative Group is our boutique-style entertainment firm that provides management and publicist services to Black Women Creatives in the LGBTQ Community. We represent the underrepresented in the entertainment, legal, and education industries, one brand at a time. 

LE Financial Group focuses on the caliber of financial education that is provided to black women. We use several avenues to accomplish this goal. This is where finance meets social responsibility. 

FB Groups: Black Women & Financial Education, Black Women & DIY Credit Repair

YouTube Channel: Truth Be Told: Credit Undercover 

Online Courses: Truth Be Told: Credit Undercover live on Teach: able 

LE Logistics+Dispatch is where trucking is female. We provide dispatch and logistical services to women in the trucking industry! 

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Shanice to gain insight on the inspiration behind Loyalty Enterprises:

What inspired the start of “Loyalty Enterprise”?
Loyalty Enterprise was created to save my life. I was in a very dark place and I decided to discover my purpose in life. Working for others never made me happy and I knew that I needed to explore that truth.

What has been the biggest challenge of running a brand like “Loyalty Enterprise”?
Staying true to who I am as a business owner, woman and brand. When you make a bold statement such as “we represent the evolution of women in business”, everything you do must live up to that. Even in your personal life. 

How does “Loyalty Enterprise” impact the community?

We represent the underrepresented one brand at a time while embracing social responsibility for our community. 

You recently joined the Trucking world by creating LE Logistics+Dispatch, can you tell us about the work you are doing through this branch of your business?
I am super excited about this endeavor. The trucking industry is a billion-dollar industry and women must be represented when passing out those checks. We provide registration, logistics, business setups, and dispatching services specifically to women truckers and women-owned trucking companies.

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

Loyalty Enterprise will be a household name and LE empire will continue to the evolution of Black Women in Business!

What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?
Make a decision and stick to it. Be strong and decisive. Live in purpose, on purpose.

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you?
Lmao, everything about how we carry ourselves is pretty, even when we have to get dirty.

Connect with Shanice Love and Loyalty Enterprises online

IG : @FirstLadyTruth @LoyaltyEnterpriseSince2013

FB : Loyalty Enterprise 

She’s Pretty and Black Owned: Meet RaChanda LaKeadra Smith

She was born on December 3rd, in Fort Rucker, AL. A native of Ozark, AL. She is a mom of three. She is a Domestic Violence Overcomer and has founded a Domestic Violence Awareness nonprofit organization with 3 others,(Jakita Johnson, Michelle McLeod, and Katrishka King) called “Love Beyond” that started from co-writing “Love Beyond.”

While writing something soo traumatic, she realized it was time to go back to therapy, and seek out additional classes, etc. to do the soul work to heal properly, if she was really going to help her clients and other DV Overcomers.

Affirmations for the Broken Soul is her first solo project. This book was birth from a Homework Assignment from Her Coach. This is a book that will help heal Broken Souls, Mend Broken hearts, break Soul-ties, break Bondage and strongholds, and help its readers do some real deal inner healing. She even pushed the envelope and discussed fear and lust!! Her Coach, Prophetess Brienna Taylor Forwarded the book.

She is also A Business Strategist, Virtual Assistant/Project Manager, and a Newly Certified Life Coach at Chanda’s Consulting. She is a servant at heart!! It is her heart’s desire to help others birth, the very thing they are called to do. She is passionate about helping others not only create and generate wealth but protect their legacy financially.

What inspired the start of ”Affirmations For the Broken Soul”?
I was literally in a session with my Coach and Mentor Brienna Taylor. One of my assignments was to write 20-25 Affirmations. She said God wanted to show me something but she could not release it to me just yet. I got to number 27 and God started speaking to me and saying I was going to write a book.
When it was time for the next session, She literally gave me the title of the book, the chapters, and she did the Foreword for the Book.

What has been the biggest challenge of running your brand?
The biggest challenge for me was simply healing while I was writing, and juggling clients for my business. But once I got the right systems in place it made my life easier and I learned to work and live by my calendar.

How does “Affirmations For the Broken Soul” impact the community?
This book is a true testament to my faith and what I’ve overcome. The mere fact that I’m still here is a blessing. So if I can make it, beat Covid 2x, go through Domestic Violence, juggle raising three kids, go through being homeless, and beat anxiety and depression. Then anyone can make it. But if you will take the time to read, I promise you will at least have the playbook to overcome Fear, Lust, Rejection, Abandonment, Soul Ties, and Bondage. This is me doing my part to help heal, not only my community but this nation.

Can you tell us about the book and what readers can expect?
This book will give you Stories about some of the things I’ve been through, Affirmations to declare over yourself, Scriptures -so that you can declare the word of God over yourself, questions to challenge yourself, as well as a guide to overcome trauma and heal.

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?
I see myself having several multi-million dollar companies. Even Expanding Chanda’s Consulting into a One-Stop-Shop to service all Entrepreneurs from every aspect of the business. I want my own team of graphic designers, virtual assignments, notaries, CPAs, Book Keepers, editors, photographers, attorneys, etc so that my clients don’t have to go outside of my company or network to get services. Hopefully, I have published 50-100 books by year 3. Not including about 10-15 of my own books.

What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?
Pray, Write the Vision, Execute with excellence, then Slay!! Make sure you surround yourself with Midwives and not dream killers.

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you?
Pretty and Black-Owned means taking things to the next level!! It’s all about making those who came before us proud and sprinkling our Black Girl magic everywhere!!

Connect with Rachanda online:

She’s Pretty and Black Owned: Meet Cyrena Martin

Cyrena Martin is the proud mother of two beautiful daughters who ROCK!!! Both of her girls were born and raised in the city of Milwaukee. Cyrena believes in nurturing a strong relationship with both of her daughters and encouraging them to embrace their beautiful unique gifts and talents. No matter what she’s been through in life, the Love and Adoration from her daughters, has been the best compliment to her life.  

 Cyrena is committed to bringing forth awareness to Women’s wellness Mind, Body, Spirit & Family) and Community concerns. She’s a Survivor and certified advocate for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault. She has dedicated her life as an advocate against Domestic Violence; Vowing to fight for the remaining victims, honoring her fellow Survivors, and Never forgetting the loved ones we have lost. Her mission is to end generational cycles of domestic violence and abuse in the community by supporting Survivors and their families. Cyrena is willing to speak, motivate, inspire, and advocate for domestic violence matters.  

Ms. Martin has a strong passion for breast cancer awareness. Annually hosts an Honoring Survivors Breast Cancer Awareness event to educate and build strength among women in the community. This event is a time for fellow Survivors to be honored, fellowship together, and share testimonies with others. We have the resources available for mammograms, self-exams, and post-diagnosis support. 

Cyrena is the Founder & CEO of Mahogany C.A.R.E.S (Community ~Awareness~ Resources~ Education~ Support a 501c3 organization with a mission to advocate, educate, empower and bring forth awareness to the many problems that plague women, children, and families in our community. As Mahogany CARES’s Executive Director she can focus on advocating and empowering women who are healing from traumatic experiences.  

 She has a bachelor’s degree in Human Services and is now a current GradUATE student at Mount Mary University to obtain my master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling with a focus in Trauma. Currently employed at Aurora -Sinai as a Healing Advocate for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault patients. Cyrena is a God-loving woman who has been truly blessed with many woman mentors; friends and family members who have offered their advice, experience, and encouragement which have basically kept me from a lot of unnecessary heartaches and pain. They have uplifted me and inspired me to keep going when I felt like giving up…

 “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” Dr. Maya Angelou

What inspired the start of “Mahogany C.A.R.E.S”?
My journey of domestic violence and how much I felt alone, confused, embarrassed, and unsupported. I really didn’t know what domestic violence was just knew I wanted to be loved. I didn’t grow up around domestic violence and found I didn’t like it, knew it was wrong, and had to figure out something quick. Now I chose to advocate, be the voice for others when they cannot. When Survivors are feeling confused, scared, in love, and tired with no more options, we will be there to uplift, encourage and empower them through it. Together we can figure out a plan that is safe and find out what each individual desires for their future. My motto is to advocate for those still in danger, love & honor fellow survivors, and never forget those we have lost.

What has been the biggest challenge of running a brand like “Mahogany C.A.R.E.S”?
Everything we do is confidential, and we would never break that confidentiality. Often people wonder what we do and do not understand the importance of not disclosing anything about our clients. Their lives are at risk. We must be careful when supporting clients who have not yet decided whether they are ready to leave their current situation or want to leave but are being isolated or held hostage. Our own safety can get compromised and we must think and move quickly. We do not have regular office business hours, most of our work is nights, weekends, and often holidays are when things tend to escalate. Being a self-funded grassroots organization is challenging because we want to do more, we want to provide resources and opportunities to our clients which they deserve and need to start a new life violence-free.

How does “Mahogany C.A.R.E.S” impact the community?
CARES ( Community~ Awareness~ Resources~ Education~ Support)- we take on a responsibility in getting the community involved through education. Our awareness events are interactive, and we welcome collaboration to reach as many members of the community as we can. We provide resources to families in need. Our focus is Women’s wellness- mind, body, spirit, and Family m(which includes everyone. Our Survivor like Me campaign is how we show others that they are not alone, and many survivors are now successful and living amazing lives free from violence and abuse.

You joined the nonprofit world when you created “Mahogany C.A.R.E.S”, can you tell us about the work you are doing?
I am currently a graduate student pursuing my Clinical & Rehabilitation Mental Health Counseling master’s degree. I’ve found a need for healing and counseling for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. I work part-time as a Sexual Assault Advocate and Coordinator at a local hospital. I accompany Survivors during their medical exams when they report to the emergency room for care. I don’t see enough black nurses and even fewer Black doctors caring for Survivors of Color. I want to be a person who they can see after a crisis and decide to begin their healing process. My graduation date is December 2022. I will then become a Licensed Professional Counselor with a trauma specialization working with clients who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault.

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?
I hope to see Mahogany CARES as a national brand for Survivors who are on their healing journey and need to connect with others who have also survived abuse or violence and now working on starting a healthy relationship starting with themselves. Relationships are so often mimicked and if you have never seen a healthy relationship how you would know what it feels like to be in one. Our mission is to end the generational cycles of domestic violence and abuse. We are committed to working with youth to assist them with building healthy relationships in all their connections. mother/daughter, sibling, friendships, and their relationship in their community- give back, show up and Be Kind!!!

What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?
Pray! Ask for clarity and claim success. Self-Love – be your best cheerleader, give yourself the same grace you would give your BFF or significant other. Remember we are all here for a purpose, take your time and find your passion. Always Believe in Yourself!

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you?
It means the world to me, growing up I did not see many women who looked like me excelling in business, entertainment, and running their own businesses. I did not see women like me going to Graduate school obtaining Ph.D.’s or becoming CEOs, I love being a role model to my daughters, nieces and now I have a grandson. Our ancestors paved the way and I will honor them by being the BEST version of me!

She’s Pretty and Black Owned: Meet Belinda Irby

Belinda is the Owner and CEO of Queen B Fitness, Queen B Productions, The Queendom Experience Yoni Spa and The Queendom Experience Retreats. Belinda’s entrepreneurship career started in 2011. Belinda has used her passion for dance and fitness to inspire and help others live an active/healthy lifestyle. She took her passion for line dance fitness to another level in 2016 by traveling to St. Thomas Virgin Islands to teach fitness on the beach. In 2019 Belinda was featured in Dallas Voyage Magazine. In 2021, Belinda traveled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and Cancun Mexico to teach line dance fitness and brand her business.
In 2021, Belinda understood her assignment and her calling when she started hosting self-love retreats. The Queendom Experience is a non-judgmental “safe” space where we come together to provide empowerment. We discuss topics such as spiritual health, forgiveness, healing, generational curses, mental health, physical health and more. We bring in professionals that can help us implement ways to become a better-heeled version of ourselves.
It’s a weekend “getaway” to self-love, self-care, to get away from outside distractions, and EXPERIENCE a refreshing & renewing environment with like-minded Kings and Queens.

What inspired the start of “Queen B Fitness, Productions and more”?
What inspired me to start Queen B Fitness, 2009 I gave birth to my last child. I have always been very physically fit, a cheerleader in middle and high school and worked out.
I wanted to start a fitness class doing something I love to do which is dance. I started teaching line dance fitness classes in 2014. I had several locations that I taught at. I later started being a health coach training clients. Queen B Destinations was started because I love to travel. Traveling is self-care for me so I decided to get paid while doing something I enjoy. The Queendom Experience Retreats was started in 2021 when I understood my assignment and aligned myself with God’s purpose for my life. All of my businesses were started by me stepping out on faith to bring people together for a greater purpose than myself.

What has been the biggest challenge of running a brand like ” Queen B Fitness, Productions and more “?
The biggest challenge for me has been funding my business. I do good in business however there are more programs and things I would like to implement. My other challenge is knowing I need to hire an assistant to help with the daily functions of a business. This year I’ve been very prayerful about who to allow on my team. I’m now creating a team for The Queendom.

How does ” Queen B Fitness, Productions and more ” impact the community?
Queen B Fitness has impacted the community in many ways. I was the first fitness trainer in 2014 to offer fitness classes for my neighborhood and residents. A few months later I started hosting classes at a local church for members of the church. My impact in the community has opened many doors for me. I’m helping people live healthy lifestyles.
I taught fitness classes during health fairs at elementary, middle and high schools. I host fitness events bringing everyone together for a day of fitness.

You recently joined the hosting world by creating The Queendom Experience Retreat, can you tell us about the work you are doing through this new avenue?
I love what I’m doing with The Queendom Experience Retreats. As the teens say, I understood my assignment and my calling in 2020. I did a personal sabbatical where I prayed to God asking him to help me in different areas of my life. I begin to do self-development, self-love, and self-care. I had to go through the healing process myself before God could use me for His Kingdom work. My retreat’s mission is empowerment & healing. I created a “safe space’ where men, women, and teens can come together in a non-judgment environment to self-love/self-care. I hosted 4 retreats in 2020 with women learning how to say YES to themselves. As a woman/moms, we spend so much time caring for others. I started implementing ways to focus on myself more. I live by this quote ” Self Care is so important, when you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel. This year I started opening my retreats up to teens as well. The “village” is needed for this generation to help love and guide them. Teens are exposed to so much more these days. April 29th-May 1st will be my first retreat including men. I’m excited about The Kings and Queens Retreat. God’s plan and design for the family have gotten lost. I will have amazing speakers, a panel of professional men & women that will implement ways we can be a better version of our healed selves.

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?
I would love to see my brand in the next 3-5 years well established on a larger platform. I’m thankful and humble for my small beginnings.
I do believe & trust that my brand is bigger than me because I surrender and told God yes.
My obedience and following his path for my life will open doors that I could never imagine. I’ve been blessed to be internationally known and travel to host my fitness classes.
The Best is Yet to Come.

What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?
I would tell the next generation of entrepreneurs to pray about everything. Love what you do and do what you love.

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you?
Being Pretty and Black Owned means a lot to me because the torch can be passed on to other girls that look like me. It gives them a sense of hope that they can be pretty and black-owned as well.

She’s Pretty and Black Owned: Meet Keshia Robertson

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada Keshia Robertson is a writer that specializes in fresh sensual, erotic contemporary, urban fantasy, and space opera adult romance writing with a multicultural twist.

What inspired the start of “Keshia Robertson Books”?
I wanted to be a writer since I was 9 years old and saw my muse and wanted to be the next J. K. Rowling at a very young age. I still haven’t read the last book or seen the last movie since I cry when characters die. She knows drama but I fell in love with the romance side of things and got into Harry Potter fan fiction. I did Second person/You fiction stories which were a hit on the website. I learned graphic design on that site too and practiced making banners and book covers with Paint and Adobe Photoshop. I learned everything I know about character building through fan fiction. First I wrote multicultural characters and now I write for black Americans. The interracial romance and marriages were made possible by black Americans so I try to do as much as I can to keep the movement going.

What has been the biggest challenge of running a brand like “Keshia Robertson Books”?
Talking to Canada about my books has been a challenge. Other races and black men are thinking freer when it comes to dating but I feel like some but not all black women here are ready to explore more European options. Maybe Asian and other races but I write about mostly European men.

How does “Keshia Robertson Books” impact the community?
I hope it gives black women hope of finding love at any age and also helps white, Asian, Latino, black men, etc treat us all with respect and love as we choose the best man for the job.

You are a creative writer that specializes in several genres, can you tell us about the message you want to share as a writer?
I want interracial romance and marriage to be seen as more than a race issue and a want shy black women like myself to be empowered to find our own romances and Prince Charming.

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?
Now that I’m working on myself and my books I see my brand expanding into a consulting business or matchmaking business especially after I get married. I’d love to be an interracial relationship coach.

What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?
Don’t be afraid to start over and over again and keep trying. Books are always in revision mode so keep your head up, write and self publish.

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you?
Black women are copied a lot when it comes to our trends so I think we’re the most beautiful and uplifting us is important. Being black-owned is a beautiful thing we showcase our trendsetting and unique perspective and characters in my case.

When Keshia is not busy crafting stories of sexy heroes and witty heroines you find her on social media.

Twitter/Instagram @Startswithakesh

You can find her books and deals for courses.
Subscribe to Keshia on Youtube here.

She’s Pretty and Black Owned: Meet Lashena McElroy

Lashena McElroy is truly God’s masterpiece in the making. Lashena D. McElroy, Event Designer & Certified Wedding Planner/Owner of DESIGNED BY DIAMONDS has always had an eye for creativity, beauty, and all things glamorous. Her mother had an inkling as well when she adorned her with the middle name of Diamonds! It all began with her love of fashion and shoes.

Lashena is a graduate of Cardinal Stritch University and holds Degrees in Business Management, Business Administration, and Human Resources. She is also an ordained Pastor and serves at For Him International Ministries in Milwaukee, WI.

In 2014, she received a Breast Cancer diagnosis that began a series of life-changing events. As she states “You don’t go through the process of fighting for your life to remain the same.” As she emerged from Cancer as an Overcomer, and now Thriver, she has chosen to Live Life on Purpose using ALL the gifts and talents God has given her with a Life poured out!

What inspired the start of “Designed By Diamonds”? 

I have always had an eye for beauty and creativity. I was always the little girl that wanted to dress up every day. I was inspired to start Designed by Diamonds after I came out on the other side of a stage 3 Breast Cancer diagnosis as an Overcomer. This began a series of life-changing events for me. After fighting to get back to life, I wanted to pursue my passion full time. No longer was I going to settle for the status quo. Here I am 4 years later still in remission, still growing and thriving! 

What has been the biggest challenge of running a brand like “Designed By Diamonds”?

The biggest challenge for running Designed by Diamonds has been the social media part of marketing! Who knew that this was really a thing to consider as part of your marketing plan & strategy. Honestly, I struggled with it because I felt like I didn’t have the time to do it. As a result, I am behind the curveball with social media. How quickly I learned the power of social media and it is a blessing if used correctly to leverage your business. I am just now starting to put a significant amount of time into creating content and posting on a consistent basis. CONSISTENCY is key and I wasn’t before. It’s getting a little easier for me now that there are tools available to help with scheduling your posts so you can set it and forget.

How does “Designed by diamonds” impact the community?

As a 100% women-owned company, it is important to give back. Designed by Diamonds has paid internship opportunities for youth. These opportunities afford youth the opportunity to learn new skills that they may normally have access to or be exposed to. As a business owner, it is extremely important to create opportunities for the next generation and one way to do that is by creating opportunities for them to see people who look just like them. Another way that Designed by Diamonds gives back is by partnering with other community organizations to host events throughout the year.

What products and services are currently being offered through Designed by Diamonds?

Currently Designed by Diamonds is offering wedding coordination services, event design services, and launching soon virtual courses to learn the elements of design. Examples will include balloon garlands, tablescaping, florals, CRM tools, forms, contracts, pricing, and overall backroom policies and procedures that new Entrepreneurs are struggling with. 

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

I hope and pray to see my brand within the next 3-5 years with an event venue and traveling to teach other future entrepreneurs all over the world. I would also like to expand my brand into marketing, media, and fashion. 

What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?

I would share with the next generations of entrepreneurs to NEVER give up on their dreams! Too many times we have been told what we can not do. The beauty of one door closing is the unforeseen opportunity of the next door opening. All you need is 1 YES! Have faith, believe in yourself, and don’t be afraid to put in the work. Don’t wait for an opportunity, create it!

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you? 

“Being Pretty & Black Owned” absolutely means the world to me! In a society where African American women are pitted against one another for the color of their skin, natural hair versus relaxed hair, make-up versus no make; it feels AMAZING to be able to celebrate each other’s accomplishments on platforms such as this. I remember the first time I saw “Black Girls Rock” in 2006 on BET. I was in awe of the sea of women in the audience & on stage that looked just like me being honored in such a way that I have never seen before. The class, grace, and sophistication being displayed were exhilarating. Completely different from what the media portrays our culture. So being “Pretty and Black Owned” isn’t just something to describe me, it is a way of life that I own inside & out! 

Social Media Links: YouTube: Lashena McElroy – YouTube  Facebook: Designed by Diamonds – Home | Facebook Instagram: Lashena Mcelroy (@_designedbydiamonds) • Instagram photos and videos Linktree: Lashena McElroy | Linktree


She’s Pretty and Black Owned: Meet Kayshaun Brooks

Kayshaun comes from a medical background with over 20 years of experience in nursing, mental health, project development, and management. Over the last 2 decades, Kayshaun has studied and used many holistic alternatives in all aspects of her life; medicine, skincare, home practices, and beyond. Her passion for organic skincare started in 2007 when her youngest son was diagnosed with eczema at just a few months old. During her journey, she was able to learn, study and implement alternative holistic methods and avoid harsh chemicals to heal herself as well as her friends and family.

Kayshaun decided it was her mission to share this healing knowledge and set out in launching her businesses. She launched Renew You, Body Butters, in 2018 to offer people luxury organic skincare that is ethically sourced and handcrafted. In 2020 her affiliate program took off with much success. She is set to launch her next business surrounding holistic lifestyle coaching and mentoring others to start or grow their own beauty business.

At Renew You Body Butters, The mission is to provide their customers with organic and ethically sourced luxury skincare.
They value networking, collaborating, and building relationships.

The handcrafted luxury skincare items are specially formulated to repair damaged skin.
They combined the most powerful ingredients nature has to offer such as soothing butter, nourishing oils, and therapeutic essential oils.

Each ingredient serves a purpose. That purpose is to heal you and your loved ones one application at a time.

What inspired the start of ” Renew You Body Butters “? 

My youngest son was diagnosed with severe eczema as an infant is what led me on this journey. Watching my son suffer while the doctors did the best they could with steroids and sleeping medication was no longer an option after 3 years. After years of research, trial and error I started formulating products. After formulating and making products for myself, my family, and others for 10 years I figured this is no longer a hobby. In 2018 I had the opportunity to put my products in a store but I needed to be a real business so that was my sign to make everything official and Renew You Body Butters was born.

What has been the biggest challenge of running a brand like “Renew You, Body Butters “?

One of the biggest challenges was stepping out on complete faith letting God remove people out of my life and bringing certain people into my life as I’ve been building this company. I first imagined growing and building this company I assumed certain people would be with me. However, that didn’t happen because that wasn’t God’s will. 

How does “Renew You Body Butters impact the community?

We impact the community by networking, collaborating, and building relationships. That is how we have built this brand. A community of people who believe in the mission and the purpose of the company. Our community is online, throughout the US and in other countries.

What products and services are currently being offered through your company? 

We offer luxury organic skincare products for those suffering from skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, body acne, and more. We offer a Start Your Own Affiliate Program Workshop. We teach entrepreneurs how to start, grow and scale their own affiliate programs. We have partnered with 45 affiliates and 1 celebrity brand ambassador who all make additional income promoting the brand. 

Where do you hope to see your brand in the next 3-5 years?

In the next 3-5 years I hope to see my brand with 3000 affiliates, have helped at least 1500 entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their own affiliate programs. Last but not least have my nonprofit well established.

 What advice do you have for the next generation of entrepreneurs?

Start working and building relationships early. Don’t worry about who is with you along your journey. Who is meant to be with you will come. Also, invest in yourself and in your business with mentoring or coaching. When seeking a mentor or a coach take your time and always ask for reviews. 

What does being “Pretty and Black Owned” mean to you? 

Pretty and Black Owned to me means strong self-confidence while walking in purpose.

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Meet Author Rashida Tshuma 

Rashida is a born-again Christian who believes that the key to success is in finding your God-given purpose.

Rashida shares the message behind her work: “There is an old saying that says ‘’life is like a good book, the further you read it the more it makes sense’’. Marriage is one of the most beautiful institutions God has given mankind yet the most misunderstood and misinterpreted. As people we find ourselves making mistakes that end up ruining our lives or that of others. In this book, I share how I almost lost myself and destroyed myself because of marriage. How I was desperate for marriage, lost my worth, and reduced myself to nothing just so I can get married. I had forgotten who I was, ready to put my dreams on hold and change myself just so I can be marriage material and be Mrs so and so. I was terrified of being alone to an extent that I didn’t mind being disrespected and being willing to accept being treated as less than I am. Most of us find ourselves in bad relationships, enter into wrong marriages because afraid of being labeled as a spinster. That it is better to be disrespected than to be alone but we shouldn’t be afraid of being alone because there is power in rediscovering your own voice and finding your purpose. I hope that as I reveal my truth, inspire you to find yours, and in doing that you marry for the right reasons. Always remember: it’s a good life.”

We had the pleasure of chatting with Rashida to gain a true insight into the inspiration behind her work.

At what moment did you discover your gift for writing?
When I was young my older sister Bridget loved watching movies especially late in the evening but she was afraid of watching alone and she would ask me to watch with her. Because it was late after the movie was finished I would grab my blanket and go to sleep but my sister insisted that we wait and see who were the producers and writers of that particular movie. She used to praise and appreciate the people who were responsible for such great art and creativity of words. I used to find it strange that instead of praising the actors my sister would praise the writers and that made me think highly of writers and my love for writing started to develop. I wanted to be creative and I discovered my gift for writing when I was doing grade 12 when our English teacher gave us an unprepared test where we had to write about our school trip to Durban and how was the experience. It was a bit difficult for me because I had never been to Durban, I had to be creative and explain what Durban looked like and its beauty. A few days later he brought back our papers and I got 87%, that’s when I knew that I can write and I can be creative.

What inspired your title ‘’my pursuit of marriage’’?
The whole purpose of the book was to help women get married for the right reasons and to help women empower themselves and not be slaves of marriage. The name of the book was rather a teamwork effort, at first, the book was titled ‘’why should I get married’’ but after I gave my book to my friends for proofreading, they said the title of the book does not correlate with the content of the book. Because when you say ‘’why should I get married’’ then it gives one the impression that lessons or steps that one should take to get married are in the book where else the book is about your distorted desires of marriage and that’s where we agreed that I was actually running after marriage and the title my pursuit of marriage will do correlate with what is inside the book.

What do you hope women take away from this book?
Most of us find ourselves in bad relationships; enter into wrong marriages because we are afraid of being alone or afraid of being labeled as a loner that it is better to be disrespected than being alone but we shouldn’t be afraid of being alone because there is power in rediscovering your own voice, in finding your purpose or self-identity. I hope that as I reveal my truth inspire you to find yours and in doing that you marry for the right reasons. I hope that women will learn to love themselves and value themselves, be able to be independent, and be content with whom and what they are. I hope that women will be able to prioritize themselves and not allow outside influence to control them and to know that they can be anything they want to be in this world, to know that true happiness comes from within.

Where do you hope to see your work in the next 3-5 years?
I hope that my book will be global and reach as many women out there and maybe one day become a telenovela.

If you could give advice to the next generation of writers, what would it be?
Don’t do it for money, please do it for the love of writing, register for a course that teaches about writing and ask as many questions as you can, and be open for corrections and fair criticism.

What is your definition of a pretty woman who hustles?
My definition of beauty is not outer appearances but a woman’s beauty is defined by her strengths, personality, and character and for me, a pretty woman who hustles is a woman who works hard, smart and would do anything to get what she wants but never loses her values and principles while at it.

Support Rashida by purchasing a copy of her book “My pursuit of marriage: memoir”

How to Manage a Relationship while Living like A Boss

Now that the new year has arrived and entrepreneurs are on the rise, many wonder how would they keep up with their busy schedules of work at home and keep a happy healthy relationship. There have been talks of power couples breaking up during this season of love and the weather changes add another obstacle to managing relationships. 

Teeha Harrell, a businesswoman in the corporate world and also an entrepreneur as an author, gives us her spill on how she manages her time at home and work.

The key to any successful relationship whether it be business or personal is communication!!! Now nobody wants to make an appointment to sleep with their spouse. Busy schedules would make these types of things impossible. 

Checklist for Love

●     Do not overbook yourself, there are 24 hours in a day use them wisely

●    Create a warm atmosphere at home during these cold winter months. Even if you have no time to spend with each other. Making one meal a day and coming home to a clean house to rest your head is essential to one’s well-being.

●    Just because Gifts while you are out and about to let your partner know you love them and thought of them throughout your long workday. 

●    Try to have a quiet dine out or dine in night where you enjoy each other and discuss nothing of work

●    ALWAYS make time for yourself !!

✦✧✦Three essential questions that you would have to ask yourself before you commit to anything business or professional✦✧✦

Q1. Do you work better alone or as a team? 

This depends on the team. I believe it’s better to work in a team because it can provide different perspectives and diversity. 

Q2. Do you desire a business partner as a spouse (power couple)?

 Well, I already have that. My husband and I are partners, and we have the same life goals. But as authors, we still have our own path. He writes about Science Fiction, and I write about love, mystery, and suspense.  

Q3. What is your ideal perfect day from home-work-home?

 My perfect day would be to complete all duties or assignments before 5. After 5, eat dinner and do something relaxing with my husband 

(Want to know more about Teeha Harrell and read her latest book you can visit her website @