For Women’s History Month I will be sharing the stories that define and provide examples of women empowerment, uplifting stories of personal triumph and businesses that are inspiring and are making a difference for women. Women’s History Month is a declared month each year that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.

I want to introduce you to Melvina, Owner of Heeled by MelRose.

Melvina tapped into her passion for fashion, style and being an authentic woman through her love of shoes. Heeled by Melrose came to fruition by the existence of two women who have displayed the beauty, grace, and faith, of being a woman. By cultivating this passion, God allowed Melvina to find a purpose for Heeled By Melrose fashion boutique. Heeled By Melrose caters to the external and internal needs of each woman using fashion, wellness, and beauty. As an entrepreneur wife, mother, daughter, sister, loved one and friend, Melvina finds joy in empowering the lives of women through her love of shoes and fashion. She continues to encourage women to embrace their personal style through fashion. Heeled By Melrose welcomes you to the world of chic, classy and non-conventional fashion. #BeHEELED #BeCHIC #BeCLASSY

Here is HERstory:

My story is I’m a regular woman with a resilient spirit!

She is the owner of Heeled by MelRose they cater to women who are looking for a versatile, unique, and comfortable clothing and shoes styles that are affordable and sustainable.

What does women empowerment mean to you?

Women empowerment means uplifting women no matter their age, race, or income status. Women empowerment means encouraging other women in business, giving back to the women who are less fortunate, mentoring the young women in your community, finding ways to collaborate with and not be in competition! We all are trying to succeed and accomplish goals and dreams and I believe we can achieve so much more together.

What advice or words of inspiration would you like to share with someone?

Pray over your business! Pray about everything pertaining to your business! Quitting is not a option, keep going no matter how things may seem!

What do you want your legacy to be?

I want my legacy to be one my children and their children will be honored to carry. A woman full of grace and dedication to her family, her business, and all the things God entrusted me to with. A women who had a heart for all people willing to sow seeds even in unfamiliar grounds. The virtuous woman Proverbs 31:10 speak about!

What inspires you?

My family is what inspires me especially my children. I want them to have so much more and not have to worry about making ends meet when they get older and have their own families.

What kind of impact do you want to have on those around you?

A positive impact! Thinking positive and speaking positivity in a situation can change everything!

What does self care mean to you?

Self care mean to me taking time for yourself! Mediation, exercise, rest, shopping, and other things that are enriching to you and your health!

What obstacles have you overcome or hurdles did you personally face and how did you overcome them?

Life can throw so many obstacles or hurdles at you especially when you’re trying to better yourself. Just one hurdle I have experienced and come to mind was starting my business. Starting off i didn’t know a lot so I was dealing with a business that was a third party, but they were charging me double for first few shipment of heels which lead to no profits or very low profits off of sales. I overcame by researching, getting out of my comfort zone, and contacting individual companies and wholesalers. It may seem small, but me getting out of my comfort zone and reaching out to different companies has led to many connections and relationships in the fashion world as well as more profits and sales.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

I realized entrepreneurship was right for me when i realized it doesn’t matter what company I work for or the amount of money I make I will not be happy! Heeled by MelRose is and other further businesses will be my happy place.

Why did you choose entrepreneurship?

Time! Time with family. You don’t have to ask for “permission” to take off! I know entrepreneurship takes a lot of work but you don’t have to wait to take the time you need off. You can make time for yourself and family and still have a successful business. I can shift that time and energy pushing paper for someone else’s company to my business.

What would you say is your most driving motivation to keep doing what you to do?

The most driving motivation is helping women get out their style comfort zone. When we receive messages and feedback about how women feel confident in what they wear it just motivate us even more because that’s are goal.

What are you most excited or passionate about? (In both business and life or both)

I’m excited and passionate about my family! When you have a great support team you feel like you can accomplish anything and my family gives me that certainty that I can do it!! As far as HBM I am excited just to help other women feel the way I do when I get dressed up or buy something new lol. You will be in a different mood when you feel good and look good!

What are the goals you most want to accomplish in your business and personally?

The goals I want to accomplish is to reach more women, to be able to give back more to the community, to expand into a brick and mortar, and to continue to encourage women to be confident! The goals I want to accomplish personally are to master balance, learn more, and be open to other adventures.

Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are, what you believe in and what you’re committed to in your work and life? Tell me about them.

My mom and grandmothers were my key mentors. No, they don’t have their own businesses, but my hard work, strength, persistence, and the ability to keep going is from them.

Did you have any life-changing experiences that put you on the path that led you to be doing what you’re doing today? Tell me about them.

My life changing experience was getting pregnant with my son. Becoming a mom opened my eyes to a lot of things and made me want more not only for myself, but for him and now my daughter.

What’s next for you in your business/brand? What can readers look forward to from you?

My own shoe design is what’s next for my brand! I will also like to add more businesses to the brand. One for sure will be a non profit to give back, encourage, and assist women who are less fortunate and/or will health conditions.

You can shop with Melvina at

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One response to “Women’s History Month Feature – Melvina”

  1. I enjoyed reading this article.Its awesome to see a woman step out on faith and be true to the end..I pray for prosperity and endurance for you and your business.Love you

    Liked by 1 person

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