Heroines SA Foundation is hosting its annual, Alumni Blazer Ceremony and Most Powerful Women Summit 2023 will be hosted in Gauteng Province on the 12 August 2023 in Sandton.

 Their partnerships in 2023 are with different stakeholders, highlighting the significant value that there are ongoing efforts to create various platforms for the upliftment of Heroines in the country to shine. This forms one of the efforts to initiate and spark awareness of the achievements of heroines across the country. The awards are not only an event but form part of a year-long program that includes various charity-based initiatives across the country. We are honored and proud to announce that MS Roslyn Moodley will be receiving our 2023 Black Blazer. CONGRATULATIONS!!!Being an indelible mark and a legacy that will be valued. She will be honored as an “Influential Heroine of your time 23″ part of the 50 South African influential women Heroine Award ” winner.

Who is Roslyn,

I am Roslyn Moodley, a Victor of my circumstances and a Winner on the Journey of life. I consider myself an Indian daughter who is worthy of achieving greatness.

A brave heart, an unconventional woman, and a rule-breaker. I am a title holder of Mrs India SA 2010 Philanthropist, since that moment, I have been a fangirl and loads of smear campaigners.

#Mrs Chatsworth 1st Runner up 2011

#WomeninbusinessLeadership-WomenEmpowerment nominee 2020


#Mrs/Ms. Royal International Pageant Semi-finalist 2022

#Top 3 Finalist @ Fabulous Women -End Gender Base Violence 2022

#Interviewed with SABC1 “Orange Couch GBV”

#Interview with Tactical TV

#Recipient of this Heroine Alumni Black Blazer ceremony as Influential Heroine of Your Time 2023

#Nominee for GOSA Girl on Fire – The Fighting Spirit Award 2023

#Finalist for Face of WOHA -2023

I am from a country where love is the essence of life “South Africa”. Being in the public eye, caused controversies sometimes, and I have been ridiculed by patriarchs but never ever did I lose my courage, determination, and dignity. I am the epitome of beauty mixed with intelligence, grace, and elegance. I sometimes prove a point to all women that “life is a one-time offer, and thus you should enjoy every bit of it”. In all my interviews and Instagram posts, I am always challenging those norms of society that are detrimental to the “growth of women. I don’t want to be the “good girl” or the “nice girl” or the girl who minds her manners and chooses politeness over honesty and authenticity ever again. I want to be bold and brave and unapologetic in my ME-NESS and take up space and use my voice and not be afraid to speak my truth even if my voice shakes. I don’t want to make myself smaller for any reason, ever again.

If I’m “a lot”…go find less. Don’t ask me to apologize ever again for any part of who I am, or who I’m not. Being a victor of gender base violence I have since opened my own Non-profitable organization called “Women Power Force SA.

I spent years apologizing for being me. I let people judge me, shame me, and make me feel inferior. My path and purpose were always unclear because I couldn’t move until I felt like I was doing the “right” thing by the people around me. I was unintentionally handing over my personal power on a regular basis. I was letting people’s opinions dictate how I saw myself. Every little comment or look of disapproval mattered to me. I was daily tormented by my need to please. I am not that girl anymore. I don’t know what happened, I guess it just finally dawned on me that people couldn’t make me feel like shit without my consent.

 I set out on a mission to fall in love with myself and find the courage to stand in my truth. It’s been a long journey but I’m finally learning how to give myself permission to be all that I am. It’s strange how we once lived picture-perfect lives. We hide the pain and shame behind fake smiles. I remember myself naïve but trying to help my ex’s family member when it came to the abuse she endured. In the end, Life gave me a pamphlet for Victim Support. I laughed out loud, with bitter tears streaming down my flooded-blooded eyes. Yes, a stranger violated my private space, the stranger who was married to me. That took a while to unwind, and make myself feel safe in my world again. But that didn’t mean I was a victim. I never considered myself a victim. No matter what happened. Yet, we live in a culture where Victim Mentality is rife. People love to label themselves as victims. Indulging in ‘poor me’, life is so hard unfair mentality is victimhood. Ladies, some of you are guilty of this. So many out there do this. It becomes a mantra. But that doesn’t make it normal or necessary. Trauma happens to all of us. Becoming a victim is a Choice.

 Being the woman that I am, I felt the word Victim to be very disempowering. We literally give our power away to the hands of the abuser and all the people they recruit in their party. It is a great way to avoid life. It keeps us stuck. To avoid having to participate, create, make decisions, and live like a sovereign. It gives us an excuse to blame others and our circumstances, instead of looking at how we are abandoning ourselves. If someone is on a spiritual path, and this may be their pattern, there can’t be any growth while they are in that state. If our identity revolves around our pain and suffering, we can never let go of our suffering, as our whole world and our relationships depend on this false identity and that’s the poorest choice, we can make for ourselves. There’s no real love or connection in it. It may feel real, but that’s because we haven’t tasted the real stuff.

 Could you be perpetuating this victim pattern? Let’s change the narrative from Activism to Action. Be the woman who cheers other women on. Be happy to be part of a sisterhood contributing to a trusted environment for other women to thrive. True beauty is women supporting and lifting each other rather than belittling and demoralizing one another. we have a multifaceted, integral role to play in building families, communities, nations, and healthy relationships. Let’s be mindful of our words and behavior and let’s conduct ourselves in a valuable, worthy, and admirable manner. Let’s not underestimate the influence we have on others, let’s not recruit members in smear campaigns.

 Let’s be conscious, positive mothers, partners, wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins, friends, grandmothers, and in-laws are many essentials to healthy relationships. Let’s start by being respectful, communicative, and noble. Love yourself as you love others. Be a Woman of Worth, A true inspiration to your kids and the people around you. Make that choice flip the coin and join me in recruiting survivors to change their mindsets to VICTORS rather than VICTIMS. I realized long ago that the Fear Of Change was unsubstantiated.

Become women who people can’t shame because you can’t shame a woman who is unashamed. I have never felt prouder of myself than I do now. It is an honor and privilege to be a recipient of this Heroine Alumni Black Blazer 2023 ceremony as an “Influential Heroine of your Time 23.” Thank you Carol Mosiamo, I am eternally grateful for this platform and to be in a room with Powerful Women.

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