Kristina Peck, affectionately known as KP. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, KP is not only the CEO and Founder of this flourishing Digital Marketing Agency but also a shining star in her community. She was honored as one of Charlotte’s 30 Under 30 awardees, a testament to her outstanding achievements. Prior to venturing into the world of digital marketing, KP was a dedicated nurse. Her transition to the digital realm occurred when she accepted the role of Social Media Manager for “The Pretty Women Hustle Network,” a thriving online women’s networking community. It was here that her passion for Digital Marketing was ignited. Her exceptional performance quickly led to promotions, with KP eventually assuming the roles of Executive Director and Director of Marketing. Under her guidance, the network’s digital presence expanded exponentially, and she played a pivotal role in various aspects of the organization, from event planning to web development. However, KP’s ambition and love for marketing drove her to pursue her own agency. In 2020, she founded “KP Business Marketing,” later rebranded as KP Kollective in 2022. In just three years, the agency has blossomed from serving five clients to an impressive roster of nearly 40. Through a diverse array of services, KP Kollective has empowered countless entrepreneurs to strategically and effectively grow their brands. Today, KP Kollective stands tall as a 7-time award-winning agency, having earned accolades such as Charlotte’s Elevate Lifestyle Best Of Awards. KP’s expertise has also caught the attention of the media, with features on esteemed platforms like FOX40, FOX43, The Market Watch, and WE Magazine. Beyond her professional success, KP maintains a fulfilling personal life in Charlotte as a loving wife to her husband, AJ, and a devoted mother to her two adorable children, Gianna and AJ II. Her remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers alike.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Kristina to discuss her journey from nurse to CEO and everything in between:

You’ve made a remarkable transition from being a dedicated nurse to becoming the CEO and Founder of KP Kollective, a thriving Digital Marketing Agency. Can you share the pivotal moment or experience that motivated you to enter the world of digital marketing?

I can’t tell you the exact moment, honestly. Before entrepreneurship, I didn’t even really know what marketing was. When I moved to Charlotte, I was surrounded by so many entrepreneurs that would talk about their business, and marketing, branding, etc. When they would show me how they would create content, measure KPI’s , read data, rank on Google, build websites, create logos, etc. I kind of became obsessed with it. I loved the creativity and conversations that marketing and branding are able to spark!

Being recognized as one of Charlotte’s 30 Under 30 is a significant achievement. Could you tell us more about the work and accomplishments that led to this prestigious award and what it means to you?

Being recognized as one of Charlotte’s 30 Under 30 is an incredible honor, and I am humbled by this prestigious award. It reflects not only my own journey but also the tremendous efforts and achievements of the entire team at KP Kollective.

Being recognized as one of Charlotte’s 30 Under 30 is an incredible honor and a significant milestone in my career. It represents the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence in the field of marketing and business. This award reflects not only my personal journey but also the collective efforts of my team at our award-winning marketing agency.

The path to this recognition has been marked by several key accomplishments and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Here are some of the highlights that have contributed to this prestigious award:

1. Award-Winning Marketing Agency: Our marketing agency has consistently delivered outstanding results for our clients. We have helped businesses of all sizes grow their online presence, increase sales, and achieve their goals. The awards we’ve received for our work underscore our commitment to excellence in marketing and our dedication to client success.

2. Local Businessperson of the Year: Being honored as the local businessperson of the year not just once, but twice, is a testament to my impact on the local business community. It signifies our contribution to the economic growth of Charlotte and our role in shaping the business landscape.

3. Presidential Volunteer Service Award: In addition to my professional achievements, I am deeply committed to giving back to the community. The Presidential Volunteer Service Award is a reflection of my commitment to social responsibility and our desire to make a positive impact beyond the business world.

4. Media Recognition: Being featured in various news outlets is not just a personal accolade but also an acknowledgment of the innovative work our agency has done. Our dedication to staying at the cutting edge of marketing trends and delivering results for clients has attracted media attention.

What makes this award particularly meaningful to me is its role in inspiring the next generation of young professionals. It’s a testament to the possibilities that exist when one is passionate about their work and dedicated to continuous improvement. I hope that my journey can serve as an example to others, showing that success is attainable through hard work, integrity, and a commitment to making a difference.

You started your digital marketing journey as a Social Media Manager for “The Pretty Women Hustle Network.” How did this experience ignite your passion for digital marketing, and how did it lead to your current role as the CEO of your own agency?

Jakia, the CEO of PWH, really let me lose in the wile when I joined The PWH Network! Before I knew it I was knee deep in content ,and KPI’s. We would stay up at all hours of the night drafting proofs of our monthly magazine, editing the website, and creating merchandise for our store. Jakia taught me the very basics of being an entrepreneur. On paper, she made it look so easy. When I first found her on social media, it looked like she had stuff in LINE, yano? Like a well oiled machine. Until I really got in there to see what being a CEO really takes. She was creating these magazines by herself, writing everything, finding writers, managing editors, designing the covers, selling ads, posting to social media, reaching out to media to find covergirls, writing a book, like this woman is insane, but the freedom she had to create her own lane is what drew to creating my own agency. Being a CEO leads to carrying a heavy plate, but at least we get to choose what type of plate to carry it on.

Your agency, KP Kollective, has experienced impressive growth, from serving just a few clients to nearly 40 in a short span of time. What key principles and strategies have you implemented to empower entrepreneurs and grow your agency so rapidly?

The impressive growth of KP Kollective, our digital marketing agency, from serving just a few clients to nearly 40 in a relatively short span of time, is a testament to the principles and strategies that have underpinned our rapid expansion. Our journey to success has been shaped by several key guiding principles and strategies that have empowered entrepreneurs and propelled our agency’s growth.

At the core of our approach is a client-centric philosophy. We’ve always placed the utmost importance on the success of our clients. This means taking the time to deeply understand their specific needs, challenges, and goals. By providing tailored solutions and consistently delivering tangible value, we’ve forged long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships. These satisfied clients have not only become our advocates but have also contributed to our rapid growth through referrals and repeat business.

High-quality service has been a non-negotiable principle for our agency. In every facet of our work, we strive for excellence. This includes producing top-notch content, devising effective marketing strategies, and consistently delivering measurable results. By consistently exceeding our clients’ expectations, we’ve earned their trust and loyalty, further fueling our growth.

Remaining at the forefront of industry trends has been a hallmark of our agency. The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and we’ve embraced new technologies, platforms, and strategies to ensure our clients remain competitive in their respective markets. This adaptability has allowed us to seize emerging opportunities and stay ahead of the curve.

Team empowerment is another cornerstone of our success. Our team is the driving force behind our agency, and we’ve cultivated a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation. By investing in our team’s professional development and equipping them with the tools and resources they need to excel, we’ve nurtured a group of dedicated experts who have played a pivotal role in our agency’s rapid growth.

Marketing our own agency effectively has been essential. We practice what we preach by applying robust marketing strategies to promote KP Kollective. This includes maintaining a strong online presence, engaging in content marketing, leveraging social media platforms, and optimizing our search engine ranking. This not only attracts new clients but also serves as a testament to our expertise in action.

Networking and forming strategic partnerships have been instrumental in expanding our client base. By actively engaging with other entrepreneurs and businesses, we’ve established valuable connections that have brought us new opportunities for growth.

We attribute our success, in part, to our commitment to providing measurable results. Data-driven decision-making is a cornerstone of our approach. By delivering clear, measurable outcomes and demonstrating the positive impact of our efforts on our clients’ businesses, we’ve built trust and credibility within the industry.

Developing scalable processes has allowed us to accommodate rapid growth while maintaining the quality of our work. This includes implementing workflow automation and effective project management techniques.

Client education is also a key component of our approach. We believe in educating our clients about the value of digital marketing and how it can benefit their businesses. Informed clients tend to be more engaged and invested in our services, leading to greater success for both parties.

Our commitment to community engagement, in addition to fulfilling our social responsibility, has increased our agency’s visibility and reputation. It has attracted clients who value businesses with a strong sense of purpose.

Our growth has been driven by a combination of client-centric principles, high-quality service, continuous innovation, team empowerment, effective marketing strategies, networking, a focus on measurable results, scalable processes, client education, and community engagement. These core principles and strategies have not only empowered entrepreneurs but have also positioned us as a trusted and leading digital marketing agency in the industry.

KP Kollective has received multiple awards, including the Charlotte’s Elevate Lifestyle Best Of Awards. Can you share some insights into the factors that have contributed to the agency’s success and recognition in the industry?

The success of KP Kollective and our recognition, including prestigious awards like the Charlotte’s Elevate Lifestyle Best Of Awards, can be attributed to several key factors. First and foremost, our unwavering commitment to a client-centric approach has been a driving force. We prioritize understanding our clients’ unique needs, challenges, and goals and tailor our solutions to deliver tangible results. This approach has built trust and long-lasting relationships, with satisfied clients often becoming advocates who refer others to our agency.

Exceptional quality of service is another essential component of our success. We consistently uphold high standards in content creation, marketing strategies, and campaign execution. This dedication to excellence has earned us the trust and loyalty of our clients and garnered recognition from the industry.

Our adaptability and innovation in the dynamic digital marketing landscape have allowed us to stay at the forefront of industry trends. We’ve been quick to embrace emerging technologies and strategies to offer our clients cutting-edge solutions. Additionally, our highly skilled and empowered team, effective marketing strategies, strategic networking, data-driven decision-making, and a strong commitment to community engagement have all played crucial roles in our growth and recognition in the industry. These factors collectively reinforce our position as a respected and award-winning agency in the digital marketing sector.

Your expertise in digital marketing has earned you media features on prestigious platforms like FOX40, FOX43, The Market Watch, and WE Magazine. How have these media features impacted your agency’s reputation and your personal brand?

First and foremost, they have established credibility and trust in our agency’s expertise. These features serve as third-party endorsements, validating our knowledge and capabilities in the digital marketing field. Clients and prospects perceive these media mentions as a stamp of approval, making them more confident in choosing our agency for their marketing needs.

Additionally, the media features have significantly increased our agency’s visibility. They have introduced our brand to a broader and more diverse audience, leading to an expanded client base from various industries and regions. Furthermore, these features have positioned me as an expert in digital marketing, boosting my personal brand and making me a sought-after resource for industry insights and guidance. This recognition has opened doors to speaking engagements, collaborations, and opportunities to share my expertise with a wider audience. It has also set our agency apart from the competition, emphasizing that we are not just another digital marketing agency but a recognized and trusted authority in the field. This differentiation has attracted clients who value expertise and a proven track record of success. It has also enhanced our internal morale and motivation, instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment among our team. In a crowded market, being featured on prestigious media platforms has helped us stand out and has signaled that we are a trusted and recognized leader in the field. This has led to more partnerships and collaborations within the industry, further validating our expertise.

Overall, these media features have had a multifaceted impact, enhancing our reputation, increasing our visibility, positioning us as experts, differentiating us in the market, validating our expertise within the industry, and attracting clients who value a trusted and recognized partner. They have been a valuable asset in our journey to becoming a respected and sought-after digital marketing agency.

Your personal life as a wife and mother is an essential part of your identity. How do you balance your professional success with your family life, and do these personal experiences influence your work as a marketer and entrepreneur?

Balancing my professional success with my role as a wife and mother has been a dynamic journey, and it’s an essential part of my identity. This balance has shaped me both personally and professionally, influencing the way I approach my work as a marketer and entrepreneur.

First and foremost, being a wife and mother has instilled in me a strong sense of time management and efficiency. I’ve learned to prioritize tasks, set boundaries, and make the most of every moment in my workday. This has translated into a proactive and results-oriented approach in my professional life. I understand the value of time and the importance of delivering results efficiently, which benefits both my clients and my agency.

Furthermore, my personal experiences have heightened my empathy and understanding of the diverse needs and challenges people face in their lives. As a marketer, I’m keenly aware of the importance of connecting with and understanding the target audience. My experiences as a wife and mother have provided me with insights into the aspirations, concerns, and lifestyles of various demographic groups. This empathy and insight have helped me create more relatable and impactful marketing campaigns, resonating with a broader audience.

Balancing work and family life has also fostered my resilience and adaptability. As an entrepreneur, I’ve faced numerous challenges, and my experiences at home have given me the strength and determination to overcome obstacles and find creative solutions. The ability to adapt to different situations and persevere is a valuable trait in both family life and business.

The balance between my personal life as a wife and mother and my professional success as a marketer and entrepreneur is a continuous learning process-seriously. It has taught me the importance of setting priorities, managing time effectively, and embracing the challenges that come my way. These personal experiences have undoubtedly influenced my work, making me a more empathetic, efficient, and adaptable professional, ultimately benefiting both my clients and my agency.

Could you provide some insights into the services offered by KP Kollective and the unique approach you take to help entrepreneurs grow their brands strategically and effectively?

At KP Kollective, our unique approach to helping entrepreneurs grow their brands strategically and effectively is built upon several key principles that span across various services, including Strategy, Digital Strategy, Branding, Market Research, Website Audits, Competitive Analysis, Analytics, and Business Development.

We kickstart our strategy by conducting a comprehensive assessment, ensuring a deep understanding of your brand, industry dynamics, and competition. This thorough examination forms the bedrock for our approach, enabling us to craft tailored strategies. We believe in data-driven decision-making, harnessing the power of analytics across our services. Whether in Digital Strategy, Branding, or Competitive Analysis, we rely on data to gather insights, measure performance, and make informed decisions, ensuring our strategies are based on measurable results rather than conjecture.

Our client-centric approach is central to our philosophy. You, the entrepreneur, are at the heart of our strategy. We actively engage with you to comprehend your unique objectives and customize our solutions accordingly, ensuring alignment with your business goals. We also prioritize continuous innovation and adaptation to stay ahead of the dynamic digital landscape, whether it’s through Digital Strategy, Business Development, or Website Audits. Our commitment to transparency is unwavering, as evident in our Analytics and Website Audits services, where we offer clear reporting, empowering you to make informed decisions and continually optimize your brand’s digital presence. Furthermore, we are dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs by providing training and workshops, particularly in Business Development, to ensure you possess a strong grasp of digital marketing practices.

Our unique approach integrates a comprehensive assessment, a data-driven mindset, a client-centric focus, ongoing innovation, transparent reporting, and a commitment to equipping entrepreneurs with knowledge and tools.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers who aim to achieve the kind of success you’ve experienced in a relatively short amount of time?

For aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers seeking to achieve success quickly, my advice is rooted in several key principles. First and foremost, find your passion and be persistent in pursuing your goals. Continuous learning is crucial, as the entrepreneurial and marketing landscape is ever-evolving. Build a strong network and embrace collaboration to gain insights and opportunities. Set clear goals and develop a well-thought-out strategy to achieve them. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. Focus on a client-centric approach and provide value to your customers to build strong relationships. Stay open to innovation and adapt to changing circumstances, and invest in branding to stand out in the market. Utilize data for informed decision-making, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and get involved in community engagement. Celebrate small wins, stay true to your values, and remember that success is a journey, not a destination. With dedication, a clear vision, and continuous effort, you can make significant strides in a relatively short time, ultimately achieving the success you aspire to.

As your agency has undergone a rebranding, can you share the reasons behind the rebrand from “KP Business Marketing” to “KP Kollective,” and what can we expect from the agency in the future with this new identity?

The transition from “KP Business Marketing” to “KP Kollective” marks a significant step forward for our agency. Several key factors influenced this rebranding, including the expansion of our services beyond marketing to encompass strategy, branding, development, and business growth. With “KP Kollective,” we seek to represent a broader and more cohesive identity that reflects our agency’s growth and ability to offer comprehensive solutions to our clients. This rebranding signifies our commitment to unity and collaboration, both within our agency and with our clients. We emphasize that we are not just service providers but partners in your success, bringing together collective efforts, expertise, and ideas. Additionally, “KP Kollective” underlines our dedication to innovation and adaptation, staying at the forefront of industry trends and offering forward-thinking solutions. Our agency will continue to provide innovative, data-driven strategies that adapt to the evolving digital landscape. We remain unwavering in our client-centric approach, tailoring our services to your unique business objectives and values. Our commitment to empowering entrepreneurs through knowledge and education, transparency in reporting, and community engagement will also persist. In essence, you can expect a comprehensive suite of services, innovative strategies, client-centric solutions, empowerment, and a continued commitment to your success with the new identity of KP Kollective. Shoutout to The RebrandLand Creative Agency in Atlanta, Georgia for designing our logo and assisting with our rebrand!

In the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing, how do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and how do you ensure that your agency’s services remain relevant and effective for your clients?

In the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of digital marketing, KP Kollective places a strong emphasis on staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies to ensure our services remain relevant and effective for our clients. We maintain a culture of continuous learning and invest in the education of our team members, encouraging attendance at industry conferences, workshops, and webinars. Our agency conducts extensive industry research, constantly analyzing publications, reports, and case studies to gain insights into emerging trends and best practices. Active networking and collaboration with industry experts and peers provide us with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. We are not averse to experimentation and actively test new strategies and technologies to determine their efficacy. Data analysis is central to our decision-making process, allowing us to measure performance, identify trends, and optimize our strategies continuously. Client feedback is paramount, as we engage in open communication to understand their evolving needs and challenges. We foster a culture of innovation, provide internal training, and remain adaptable and flexible to respond to changing circumstances in the digital landscape. Above all, our client-centric focus ensures that our services are tailored to each client’s unique objectives, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in the ever-evolving digital marketing sphere.

Are there any upcoming projects, initiatives, or goals that you’d like to share with your audience? What can we anticipate from KP Kollective next?

We have a lot to announce! Next year we’re hosting a private workshop at the Omni Hotel in Charlotte where we will have 4 C-Suite Executives at your fingertips. This workshop is going to be geared towards high 6-figure business owners who are looking to connect with DFY (done for you) service professionals. Our agency is continuing to grow at a rapid rate. Next year expect to see us more involved with government contracts, and more workshops and seminars.

What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?

To me, a  “Pretty Woman Who Hustles” is a woman who embodies both elegance and determination. She is someone who not only exudes grace and style but also possesses an unwavering work ethic and ambition. A Pretty Woman Who Hustles is not defined solely by her physical appearance but by her inner strength, resilience, and drive to achieve her goals. She is a professional, entrepreneur, or individual who works tirelessly to make her dreams a reality, all while maintaining a sense of grace and self-assuredness.

Social Media Handles: IG, FB, LI, Tiktok: @kpkollective

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