BCA Culture is an online membership software program guiding entrepreneurs to build true business credit, without using an owner’s personal credit, and get funded. Darbi may seem like an overnight success but over the past 10 years, she has had many years of experience in the financial services industry and mentors who truly shortened her learning curve. Darbi has a passion to transform lives through entrepreneurship empowerment. She also supports various charities, non profit organizations and for profit companies to help the visionaries behind these organizations transform their lives.

Darbi, an unforgettable name for a unique woman, is a trailblazing entrepreneur born to Darell Alexander and Nazarene Dorsey in Tennessee and raised in Georgia with her younger brother, Michael Bell II. As a millennial, she is wise beyond her years and is faith and family centered with the gift of entrepreneurship. Darbi’s faith, consistency and willingness to empower others with knowledge has organically worked in her favor all her life. She graduated with the highest honors from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville obtaining her Bachelor’s in Finance and International Business. However, her real life education came from her uber successful mentors. Over the years, Darbi has been influential in the network marketing, tax, technology, and music industry, earning multiple figures despite some losses along the way. Her latest venture is a perfect combination of her formal education and mentorship over the years — BCA Culture. The first ever automated turnkey software that guides entrepreneurs seeking to build business credit and obtain high-limit funding. Since its inception of the Business Credit Agency (BCA Culture) in June 2019, Darbi’s company has seen much success. The Business Credit Agency in the last quarter of 2019 guided over 75 entrepreneurs to obtain over $4.5 Million in business credit and funding opportunities. In January 2020, Darbi changed the business model to pivot into software and automation – BCA Culture. Business has since skyrocketed during COVID-19 due to more businesses than ever wanting to be positioned for funding and business credit. Since connecting with her software developer and co-founder, Adam Ajetunmobi, business has skyrocketed and they have helped close to 1,000 entrepreneurs and $MM+ in business credit, grants, and funding have been approved and funded. BCA Culture is partnered with Mastercard & other Fortune 500 companies to offer funding for small enterprises to established corporations.

Why is your business a business to watch in 2021?

We are on the cutting edge of technology and in position to transform the funding industry for small businesses through our FinTech software platform. We have already positioned thousands of business owners for funding through our live education events and now we are amplifying that through technology.

What inspired your to start your business?

Lack of funding and business credit opportunities available for small business owners and the underrepresented sector of new startup companies.

How did 2020 change your business? Was it for the better?

2020 – came in as a lesson and a blessing at the same time. We had to digitally pivot to serve more clients. All 2019, me and my team were preparing small business owners with the fundamentals to be ready for funding, however, when 2020 came – everything we had been teaching entrepreneurs became realized.

What lessons did you learn in your business in 2020?

I learned the power of teamwork and communication is the lifeline of your business. BCA Culture has been able to adapt and pivot our business model to serve more entrepreneurs because of our business model.

What kind of impact do you want your business to leave on your client or customer?

We literally want to continue providing access to business capital, funding, and credit for business owners. We want a business owner’s trajectory to change from closing to now staying open, from growing to scaling, from idea to generational wealth. Owning a business is an asset. We want to keep providing small business startups with the access to information and a system that will increase funding.

Do you feel your product or service meets the needs of the market?

Absolutely. A lot of entrepreneurs, especially start up companies, fail due to lack of capital. We want to solve that specific problem. We want to increase their success rate, lower their failure rates.

What hurdles did you personally face in getting ready to open your business and how did you overcome them?

All of 2020 was a shift for me – personally. My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, a few hours before we launched our software. I remember texting Adam, our CTO right before we were getting on a team conference call and notifying him that I had a family emergency, but will still be on the call. I remember feeling optimistic about our software, but yet anxious for my dad and our family at the same time. In that moment, I literally saw the importance of health and wellness and the power of staying connected with family and friends, even in the midst of a pandemic.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

When I graduated from college, I knew that I was going to be an entrepreneur. I literally saw how I was making more money and helping more people than I could ever do on a job. That feeling of excitement is when I knew I would be a successful entrepreneur.

Why did you choose entrepreneurship?

I chose entrepreneurship because it is one of the best ways to make generational impact. A business is a way to transfer wealth, assets, and information to my children and their children.

What would you say is your most driving motivation to keep doing what you do?

My family and my son.

What are you most excited or passionate about? (In both business and life or both)

I am excited about meeting new people. I have always been a social butterfly and I love connecting with people. I am also excited about this time during the pandemic, where I have had the opportunity to slow down and get refocused, re-centered and intentional about what I like and love. I am excited to watch my son grow up. I am excited to travel more (when the world opens back up). I am excited to FaceTime. I am excited to walk around my neighborhood and breathe. I am just thankful.

What are the goals you most want to accomplish in your business? What are the goals that you hold personally?

I really want to see our business serve over 1,000,000 entrepreneurs over the next 5 years using BCA Culture software and technology. Getting small business startups Billions in business capital and funding, grants, and contracts.

Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are, what you believe in and what you’re committed to in your work and life? Tell me about them.

Yes, my mom, Nazarene, greatly influenced my thoughts about being an entrepreneur. She really raised me and my brother, Michael to strive for entrepreneurship. She literally worked the night shift as a RN and always would encourage us to work diligent for our own business because we cannot pass down a job. She also introduced me to personal development and was my first investor for my first business venture. She not only talked, but she had action to back up her words of wisdom. She also does not sugar coat anything. I know that I can rely on her to be honest and tell it like it is.

Did you have any life-changing experiences that put you on the path that led you to be doing what you’re doing today? Tell me about them.

When I found out on September 11, 2018 that I was pregnant with my son, I knew that my life would never be the same. I started working from a different place. He is my measure of time. I can see the progress in my own life through watching him progress. He has been a true inspiration to me.

What’s next for you in your business/brand? What can readers look forward to from you?

What’s Next for BCA Culture is that we will be more than a trend but a unicorn technology firm making impact and giving back to many underrepresented communities and cultures. The business is an extension and will amplify our philanthropic efforts.

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3 responses to “2021 Business to Watch – BCA Culture”

  1. A great article, a female African American giving of her talents to help those companies who need finding to stay afloat, I say that is great!

    Liked by 1 person

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