Debut author Kimberly Gowdy tackles the topic of surrogacy and infertility head-on. In The Colorless Womb, Gowdy talks about her struggles to conceive and carry a child. She discusses complications of three miscarriages and being trapped in an abusive marriage with her former spouse who valued his drug addiction more than his wife. The book follows her journey in search of alternative ways to have a family and how her faith kept her strong even in the darkest of days. After seven failed surrogacy attempts with two embryos left, the biggest surprise comes in an unexpected package.

Gowdy’s openness to share her truth is refreshing and brings the reader along for an emotional ride sprinkled with humor, pain, encouragement, faith, and transparency. She proves that help in any form can come in unseen ways and in people. “Since this is a true story, it was just a matter of telling my truth. The Colorless Womb shows that even with the racial tensions in our country, love is above racism. The person on the inside matters more than what is on the outside,” Gowdy says.

Patrice: Who is Kimberly Gowdy?

Kimberly: Kimberly is the eldest of eight children.  A woman who previously lived a life under the secret of domestic abuse, the shame of enabling drug addiction, and a believer that she would never carry the title of mom,  who’s now living her best life as a business professional, wife of a doctor and mother to a son.   

Patrice: What makes you a pretty woman who hustles?

Kimberly: I’m a woman who has looked down the barrel of life’s darkest days and still decided I wanted more.  I’m a woman who knows struggle, pain, and disappointment, but I also knew how to use it for my good. We can be blessed even by the mistakes we make.  It all works together for your good.

Patrice: What is the name of your book, and what is it about?

Kimberly:  “The Colorless Womb. “The Colorless Womb” is about the most painful part of my life.  It’s about loss, brokenness, and the journey it took for me to become a mother.  I’ve always believed that I would someday wear that title, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes God saves us from ourselves.  The timing, the person, even the place may not be right.  This book is a testament that our blessings may not always be recognizable. 

Patrice: Did you face any challenges in your journey when writing your book?

Kimberly: I faced some challenges.  The first was a matter of time.  When I thought about writing, my son was two years old.  My husband and I were also caregivers to my 90-year-old father-in-law.  Having a child and a senior citizen in the house, we were going from the pediatrician for my son to the geriatric ward for my father-in-law all in the same week.  I was a wife, mother and working full time outside the home. Between that challenge and not believing enough in my writing skills, it was difficult.  But obviously, I overcame those barriers.

Patrice: What does a pretty woman who hustles mean to you?

 Kimberly: A woman who is about her business.  A woman who drowns out the negativity that she hears and sees on television and social media.  A woman who believes that if I don’t believe in me, no one else will.

Patrice: Are you working on any current projects right now?

Kimberly:  I am working on writing my second book.  I’ll just say it’s more political.  I’m also working on developing MOBY™.  Mommy Older Baby Younger.  It’s a name I trademarked to represent women who became mothers at or over 35.  There are many of us.  Not just actresses but everyday women.  Women who may have married someone with children, surrogacy, adoption, or the good old-fashioned way. But we are to be celebrated because we didn’t focus on society’s timeline. 

Patrice: How do you face diversity as a woman author?

Kimberly: I’m new to this industry, but I will say the books that I plan to write will reach a wide audience.  Growing up in Connecticut, in a very diverse community, my experiences dictate that I will be cast a wide net in terms of those who will appreciate my stories.

Patrice: Is balancing your personal life, work, and business life difficult for you at times?

Kimberly: It can be difficult at times. I work hard, both in my profession and now as an Author.  Most women are guilty of doing way too much to please others, it’s just what we do.  When it gets too overwhelming, I step back, pray, and then imagine life without those around me who need me, and that usually takes me out of my pity party, that and a glass of Cabernet.

Patrice: What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

Kimberly: It means leaving a legacy. It means knowing that when I leave this earth, there will be something with my name on it.  I can say “Google me,” and you’ll see more than just my previous address history; you’ll see hard work, dedication, and commitment to my dreams.

Patrice: What do you want the readers to take away from your book?

Kimberly: That with race relations at an all-time low, we are more alike than different.  And that one of life’s greatest blessings may come in an unsuspecting package.

Connect with Kimberly:

Instagram: colorlesswomb_

Twitter: colorlesswomb_

Facebook: thecolorlesswomb



I believe pretty is not about the outer appearance, but instead what is deep within you~ Feleshia Sams

Feleshia was considered the “go-to-girl” for make-up in college. Now she is the CEO of the Atlanta-based Academy of Advanced cosmetics (AAC,) a cosmetic training academy and hub for beauty technicians and artists. Feleshia is also the CEO of Coz Tat, a mobile app created with cosmetic artists and consumers in mind and 365 Greens, a holistic brand that boasts a green superfood powder that has proven to strengthen weakened immune systems and energy.

Patrice: What motivated/inspired you to start a business?

Feleshia: From the age of 5 I was saying that I told myself that I wanted to be the boss.  At that time I had no idea of what I was going to do all I knew was that I wanted to run my own business.  Growing up as an only child with only my mom and I.  I saw how she was able to build her own business and that inspired me to want to do the same one day. 

Patrice: What makes you a pretty woman that hustle?

Feleshia: I believe pretty is not about the outer appearance but instead what is deep within you.  You can have a pretty face, body, and gorgeous hair but a ugly heart.  Physical appearances fade and who we truly are resides within us forever.  Being pretty is what do we do for our families, communities, those around us.  How we live, work, and give back.  Its my mission to be that “pretty” example for both my children and those that may look up to me and want to do what I’m doing today. 

Patrice: What is the name of your business(es) and what does it intel?

Feleshia: I have 3 businesses. 2 are cosmetic related and 1 is health and nutrition. 

Academy of Advanced Cosmetics is a cosmetic training academy that trains, mentors, supplies our very own cosmetic tattoo products to students in the industry. 

CozTat is my app that connects cosmetic tattoo artist and clients together.  We provide a complete business system for our artist to manage their calendars, take payments, send electronic consent forms, and showcase their work. The app is free to clients where they can check out reviews, artist pictures, check certification / licensing credentials, schedule, and pay all within the app.

365 Greens is my green superfood powder.  This is a superfood powder that is a daily powder that can be mixed in water or your favorite drink to provide you all the multi vitamins and nutrients you need.  It’s simple to mix and taste really good unlike most powders on the market. 

Patrice: Have you faced any challenges in your business?

Feleshia: Being in business has a lot of ups and downs. Some recent challenges that I had to face was finding the right contractors and support for some of my businesses.  For example, when I see that someone or company is not providing me what I need I have learned to move on, but before I do I always have a backup.  When I initially started my app I started with one developer and then found that I was not getting what I wanted.  As a result, I left and moved on the next.  Yes, it was costly but in the long run I feel as though it was going to save me a lot in the long run.  The same with my superfoods brand.  Having my own vision of what I want and what others say they can do can sometimes cause you to redirect your vision to what they can do.  So just as with the app I found myself moving to another manufacture that was able to give me exactly what I was looking for.  Bottom line I have to trust my gut and stick to my guns and know that this is my vision.  Sometimes others can’t see it and that’s okay but I know at the end of the day if I’m paying I need to get what I’m paying for. 

Patrice: Are you currently working on any current projects right now?

Feleshia: I have a new project coming out that is an online business course.  It’s called PMU Resources make 6 figures while working 3 days a week or less.  This is through my Academy and will be available to all permanent makeup artist.  I wanted to layout the blue print on how I did this my first year in and how they can do this to. Also, I am coming out with a green superfood for kids in May 2021.  This is through 365 Greens and will be specifically for kids. 

Patrice: How do you face diversity as a woman/man entrepreneur/author?

Feleshia: I would say while developing my app it was sometimes a challenge.  Being that the tech field is so male dominant.  Also, I was creating something as a woman for mainly women and they knew nothing about it.  It was huge challenge. In the development phase we would have weekly conference calls and it would be all these men and then me.  I knew from the first meeting that if I wanted my app to be a certain way I was going to have to drive my point across and let them know that yes this woman has voice.  Despite the fact I was spending my money I always felt that I had to defend my view on why I didn’t like their ideas.  This was part of why I switched developers.  I’m still with a bunch of guys but I find this new group is way more respectful and inclusive. 

Patrice: Is balancing your personal life, work life and business life difficult for you at times?

Feleshia: Yes, yes, and yes!  Lately it has been a lot but I feel that once I get through these next few months I’ll be able to get more balance.  I consider myself to be an extremely organized person so this helps tremendously along with a terrific staff. 

Patrice: Do you have any new projects or events coming up?

Feleshia: At the Academy we use to do an annual PMU and Micro blading event.  Due to COVID-19 we delayed it so the plan is to do it again March 2022. 

Patrice: What does being an entrepreneur or business owner mean to you?

Feleshia: Being an entrepreneur means that I have no limits on what I can do in my career.  As an entrepreneur there’s no glass ceilings and no climbing that corporate ladder.   This is so rewarding to me and I am so blessed to be where I am today.  It’s hard-work but I wouldn’t trade it for any 9-5. 

Connect with Feleshia:

Instagram: feleshiasams


Instagram: aac_training

Facebook: Academy of Advanced Cosmetics


Instagram: cozTat

Facebook: cozTat


Instagram: shop365greens

Facebook: shop 365greens


A natural-born optimist, registered nurse, and practitioner, Keisha Brown has always believed that positive energy makes you feel healthier, happier, and more empowered. With over 5 years of experience at the helm, Keisha is an ER travel nurse who specializes in Pediatric and Adult Emergency Medicine. Her love for helping others was initiated at a young age and, over the years, has revolutionized that experience by infusing comprehensive wellness methods for clients all over the country. This carefulness has continued throughout her career, especially when serving as a frontline nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having learned the intricacies of patient testing, Keisha went on to serve as a primary wellness practitioner at Tyler Perry Studios and Warner Brothers, in an effort to enforce safe filming practices for talent and staff. The founder of D.O.P.E Healing, a concierge IV therapy and wellness clinic, Keisha specializes in helping clients unlock the healing power of holistic health.

“Never underestimate my potential, I’ve been essential,” ~Keisha Brown

Patrice: What motivated/inspired you to start a business?

Keisha: To give back to my community. Weather it was by providing nursing services, different resources or being able to create jobs.  Instead of hosting or participating in conversation about wanting change. I decided to start by being the change that I wanted to see in this world. 2020, was a dark year for the myself and the world.  After coming off the frontlines and experiencing depression, I had to find a way to get back to my safe place of happiness. I do that by helping others. I got tired of wrestling with the thoughts of choosing money and politics over morals. I knew my community needed help. I witnessed the world loosing trust in HealthCare. And they had good reasons to feel the way they did. I wanted to help bridge the gap and gain the public’s trust again. But we have to work together and have empathy for one another. Once I found other ways of keeping people safe and alive, then I choose to take that route. So that meant me leaving the bedside and getting back into my community. My focus was to keep people of out the hospital, especially if it wasn’t urgent or emergent. So in my mind I’m helping my fellow colleagues and the community at the same time. I also wanted to do something special with my daughter, usually men work on cars or build houses with their son. So I decided to build a brand and create a legacy with my daughter. This is me braking generational curses.

Patrice: What makes you a pretty woman/man that hustle?

Keisha: I’m a beautiful woman driven by the success that is reflected towards my passion for what I love to do. I enjoy what I do, helping a patient, putting a smile on a face, healing, helping, being a gift to others. Being of service. My journey has not been short or easy, however it was worth the travel, the experience and the lessons along the way. Along this road, I’ve lost people close and dear to me and I learned their impact carries in me. During the dark times that will come, I may bend, but I won’t break.

” Never underestimate my potential. I’ve been essential” Keisha Brown

Patrice: What is the name of your business and what does it intel?

Keisha: D.O.P.E. HEALINGD.O.P.E.  stands for Delivering Only Positive Energy. We offer concierge nursing services, IV Hydration, Vitamin Injections, Rapid Co-VID testing, FIT testing, lab draws, urine drug and STD screening, CBD products and more.

“Energy is everything. Where the mind goes the body follow.” Keisha Brown, BSN,RN

Patrice: Have you faced any challenges in your business?

Keisha: Absolutely! I allowed loyalty to keep me in places that common sense would have taken me out of.  Once I understood my purpose was greater than anyone’s opinion of me, I was ok with leaving people and opinions where I found them. Developing a business automatically comes with trials and failures because of the people you have to learn and adapt to (photographers, web designers, lawyers, etc.) Learning to mind the business that pays me, saved me from losing a lot of things like my mind, money and time.  I have to protect my energy and peace at all costs. The energy that you have is the energy you put out. protect yourself the way others won’t.

Patrice: Are you currently working on any current projects right now?

Keisha: Yes. I’m working on starting non -profit organization. I’m planning an event on Mother’s Day in honor of my later mother Paula Nixon, who passed away unexpectedly January 16, 2021. My mother had a larger- than- life personality and a heart that loved without limits. This will be my 1st Mother’s Day without her, undoubtedly the hardest one so I want to put my heart into the world and make someone else smile.  Over the summer D.O.P.E. Healing will be partnering with business owners, community leaders and sponsors for community health based events (Covid-19 testing, vaccine distribution, etc.) pending the events can be conducted primarily in regards to public safety. 

You can find these announcements and/or updates on my website, IG page: d.o.p.e.healing, Facebook: D.O.P.E. Healing.

Patrice: How do you face diversity as a woman/man entrepreneur/author?

Keisha: Day by day with a strong team in support. What is expected in any business is that there will be trials and tribulations. That is a guarantee. However how you choose to respond is what will define you as a person and will reflect in the strength for your business. Losses are inevitable but the perseverance is detrimental to success. Foundation to your motive of your business is also pertinent to success. Money is a side result of the service or product you provide. For that reason, stay grounded in your belief and your motive will exude and produce results.

Patrice: Is balancing your personal life, work life and business life difficult for you at times?

Keisha: Absolutely.  I’m a wife, mother and CEO. For a while I felt as though I could only depend on myself to complete a task. Developing the right team to complete assignments was a challenge. Needless to say, I had trust issues, it was extremely stressful in itself. Because delegation and prioritization is a must to help cultivate a healthy balance to prevent yourself from burning out. So I had to learn how to trust, but verify. It’s still a work in progress.

For that reason, commitment to your business is imperative. If you don’t believe in it with consistency and passion, who will. One thing that I’ve learned and continue to work on, is separating my personal life from my business. But making sure I take care of things in my personal life first, so it does not show up in my business.  Separate your titles, you are not your job, your job is what you do. you are not where you work but when you work is a reflection of you.

Patrice: Do you have any new projects or events coming up?

Keisha: I have several community events that I’m lining up for the Summer time. These events are contingent based and will only take place if it can be conducted safely.  You can find these announcements and/or updates on my website or on my IG page: d.o.p.e.healing

Patrice: What does being an entrepreneur or business owner mean to you?

Keisha: As an entrepreneur I am independent. I am responsible for a service and a production. As a business owner I have the capability to impact lives and provide jobs that are needed in my community. I provide an example to those who see me and see past their circumstance. It’s not about the destination. It’s the journey for me. Being the change.

I AM a woman who has a soft touch, but also one whose presence is felt.

Connect with Keisha:

Instagram: d.o.p.e.healing

Facebook: DOPE Healing



Ayana Bean, born and raised in Boston, MA, is an activist, speaker and advocate for at risk women. She is a member of several organizations that have an agenda to end mass incarceration by pushing for prison reform. As a former financial aid adviser, music industry event curator and consultant, Bean is no stranger to the rhythm of life’s highs and lows. From being an entrepreneur, to making unlawful decisions that resulted in her being sentenced to prison for financial fraud. Released from prison in 2014 she began her road to redemption. Ms. Bean is featured in the BET American Gangster (Trap Queens) series Part 2. Episode 7

“The biggest challenge I have faced in business and in life is fear. It can be difficult to take on anything being afraid. Fear can stop you. Overcoming it is the win. “

Patrice: What is the name of your business and what does it intel?

Ayana: Besides being an activist and speaker, I am now a new author. My first book called “A Year and A Day” is based on my life growing up and the challenges I faced. Life of crime and heart aches. Through another business venture I purchase commercial and residential property investments.

Patrice: I definitely feel that your story will touch others, especially for women who have been through the same thing you have been through. Have you faced any challenges so far?

Ayana: The biggest challenge I have faced in business and in life is fear. It can be difficult to take on anything being afraid. Fear can stop you. Overcoming it is the win.

Patrice: Fear can definitely stop you dead in your tracks to what and where you want to go in live. Are you currently working on any current projects right now?

Ayana: Yes, my book “A Year and A Day,” working in the community to provide resources for at risk youth, and women re-entering into society from prison.

Patrice: Wow! Sounds amazing! What you are doing in the community is absolutely worthy and needed. How do you face diversity as a woman/man entrepreneur/author?

Ayana: As a woman there is always seems to be a lower standard as far as worth and as a Black woman even lower than that. It’s about facing it and sticking to your values, morals and worth.

Patrice: I totally agree with you! We all know that balancing your personal life and career can be challenging at times. For you, is balancing your personal life, work life and business life difficult for you at times?

Ayana: It used to be. I wasn’t great at the time management at first, but I have mastered it now and it’s much better.

Patrice: Time management can be a working progress but it’s a great tool to accomplish. Do you have any new projects or events coming up?

Ayana: I am planning a book tour once our world tour dates are confirmed to open up safely.

Patrice: Sounds like a plan! A book tour is always great to introducing the world to your new book. So, what does being an entrepreneur or business owner mean to you?

Ayana: It’s means strength; accepting and acknowledging the strengths we possess. We are capable of all possibilities and just go for it.

Connect with Ms. Yana Bean:

IG: @ms.yanabean

Twitter: Ms. Yana Bean

Facebook @ ms.yanabean

“The biggest challenge I have faced in business and in life is fear. It can be difficult to take on anything being afraid. Fear can stop you. Overcoming it is the win. “


Patrice: Tell the readers more about yourself.

Renata: My name is Renata Eileena founder & CEO of Possible Cosmetics. A luxury cosmetic line based out of Philadelphia!

Patrice: What makes you a pretty woman that hustle?

Renata: What makes me a pretty woman that hustle is that I honestly believe that all things are possible! Not only do I believe it is possible, but I get up every day put one foot in front to make sure the impossible happens! Most time hustling is not pretty but when its time I make it look good (I hope anyway) lol

Patrice: What is the name of your business and what does it intel?

Renata: Ok so I have both I am a published author my debut book launched in early 2018 entitled “7 things you need to do to launch your cosmetic line” this book is good for entrepreneurs who would like to start their own cosmetic line! It is truly helped many start their own beauty line. My business is Possible Cosmetics started in 2016 at the King of Prussia mall while there we became the first and only black own line to launch in the second largest mall in America.

Patrice: Have you faced any challenges in your business?

Renata: Ahh man SO many to count lol! I have come across so many challenges from having my website taken down, customers disputing charges that they did purchase! To trouble with employees, funding, manufacturing issues but I will say even with all those challenges we have overcome all of them all.

Patrice: Are you currently working on new projects?

Renata: Yes! My biggest project right now is the relaunching of my brand Possible Cosmetics. During covid we took a 6 -month break! Since our start in 2016 we have never took a break at all. We took a step back to rebrand, restructure & refocus and now we are coming back April 1st and I really could not be more excited!!!

Patrice: How do you face diversity as a woman/man entrepreneur/author?

Renata: Diversity is extremely important I am in the beauty industry we are women of all races. Diversity is extremely important I am in the beauty industry we are women of all races, ethnicity, religions etc. come together to buy products that make them feel more beautiful! I am a woman of color and I am proud to see myself represented more in the beauty industry, ethnicity, religions etc. come together to buy products that make them feel more beautiful! I am a woman of color and I am proud to see myself represented more in the beauty industry.

Patrice: Is balancing your personal life, work life and business life difficult for you at times?

Renata: YES! Lol it is hard it seems like it is not enough time in the day! Especially now that we are coming back from our hiatus. I had 6 months to “relax” but now that we are gearing up for our relaunch I will have to get back used to the balancing act!

Patrice: What does being an entrepreneur or business owner mean to you?

Renata: Being an entrepreneur means being a problem solver! We are here to serve our customers and become one of the best in the business.

Connect with Renata:

Instagram: @Possiblecosmetics

Facebook: Possible Cosmetics



Patrice: Tell the readers a little bit about yourself.

Ashley: Singer, Songwriter, Solo Music Artist, Motivational Speaker, Activist and Advocate for mental health awareness and Author!!! I have a podcast and a series!!!! I am celebrating 21 years of being sober from mental health illness!!!

Patrice: What makes you a pretty woman that hustle?

Ashley: I am empowered, working hard having faith and praying, overcomer, survivor, motivated, stronger and better!!!!!

Patrice: What is the name of your business and what does it intel?

Ashley: My business includes local singing and motivational speaking engagements and events!!

My Journey To Recovery: Celebrating 21 Years Of Being Sober From Mental Health Illness. Talking about major points and situations that cause my mental health illness battle. Talking about how my faith in God and praying to God, my spiritual and music connection helped to me overcome. Giving spiritual and motivational and inspirational advice.

Inspirational with Ashley Blanshaw: It is a devotional book that I created from message from Season 1 from my series:

Inspirational Time with Ashley Blanshaw. Giving more devotions and spiritual words of encouragement that no matter what you are going through or dealing with, God is going to make a way for you and he is working out for you.

Patrice: Have you faced any challenges in your business?

Ashley: Going through this 21- year battle of mental health illness, I suffered with depression and struggled with self-confidence, self- love, self -care, self- empowered!! I was bullied, teased, judged, rejected, and neglected!! But with God’s healing and strength I overcame it!!!

Patrice: Are you currently working on any current projects right now?

Ashley: Working on my #LoveYurself Campaign, panel and Discussions, in the process of becoming a mentor to people who struggled with mental health illness and more!!!

Patrice: How do you face diversity as a woman/man entrepreneur/author?

Ashley: I encourage and motivated myself and the people. I keep on focus on being Determined and successful and focus on the great things that God has for me and the calling that he has place over my life!!!!

Patrice: Is balancing your personal life, work life and business life difficult for you at times?

Ashley: Yes!!!!! I work at my full time job and then on the weekends and summer vacations and time off I focus on my career, my business!!!!!

Patrice: What does being an entrepreneur or business owner mean to you?


●Working hard

●Planning goals

●Having Ideas

●Seeking God First

●Having faith and praying

Connect with Ashley:

Facebook: Ashley Blanshaw

Facebook Music Artist Page: Ashley Katisha Blanshaw

Instagram: @ashleylove509 and @iamashleyblanshaw

Twitter: @iamMsAshley

YouTube: Ashley Blanshaw

SoundCloud: Ashley K. Blanshaw

Clubhouse: @ashleylove595


Kay Elle is doing big things in the Bronx, New York as a baker of sweet treats and desserts that will make your sweet tooth scream for more! Not only is she a baker, but Kay Elle wants to push culture forward in her community as a whole.

“The first dessert I learned to make were cupcakes. The first dessert I mastered visually were chocolate-covered strawberries!”

Patrice: What makes a Pretty Woman who hustles?

Kay Elle: I believe pretty is not only what you look like on the outside, but what you do from the inside. Hustle is being passionate about something that you love and doing something that contributes to that passion daily. When you put them both together, it is using the resources you have outside and combining that with who you are inside. I feel that is what makes a Pretty Woman who hustles.

Patrice: Tell us more about your amazing baking company MADE BY KAY Kitchen! What was your inspiration behind it?

Kay Elle: MADE BY KAY was a result of a passion for sweets, pretty desserts, and freedom. After being wrongfully fired from a previous job, I used that experience as motivation to start my own brand.

Patrice: What type of sweets do you normally bake?

Kay Elle: I bake cupcakes, cakes, cookies, and brownies! We can bake just about every sweet treat you can think of, but those are my specialties!

Patrice: What was the first thing you learned to bake?

Kay Elle: The first dessert I learned to make was cupcakes! The first dessert I mastered visually was chocolate-covered strawberries!

Patrice: Have you been on any cooking shows?

Kay Elle: I was featured on Foodie Down Bronx which is a local Food Network showcasing chefs and bakers in the Bronx! It’s hosted by EM, @TheHungryDominican from Instagram, and airs on BronxNet. I absolutely loved it!

Patrice: Who or what has been your biggest motivation?

Kay Elle: My biggest motivation is the lifestyle I feel we all deserve. I am adamant about my happiness and using my time wisely to create a life of abundance. I use my future children as motivation. They deserve a great life.

Patrice: Tell us about LIT BLACK FOODIE!

Kay Elle: LIT BLACK FOODIE is an amazing showcasing competition and pop-up shop event created to highlight Black chefs and bakers around the world! My hope is to create a safe space that merges Black food culture and Black music culture. We will provide a business grant to one lucky chef or baker at the end of each event. My goal is to one-day grant one small business owner $10,000! Our very first event is April 25th, 2021!

Patrice: Any special requests for weddings/special occasions?

Kay Elle: We recently rebranded our business to become a food blog full time and currently don’t take special requests. We love showcasing baked goods such as wedding cakes and special occasion cakes online! Our goal is to show others how to make these special cakes from the comfort of their own home! We may even attend pop-up shops in the future to showcase/sell those specific types of cakes as well!

Patrice: If you could meet any other Baker, famous or not, whom would it be and why?

Kay Elle: I would love to meet Tabitha Brown. Her energy is infectious and her talent is amazing! She is her authentic self and I love that about people!

Patrice: What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

 Kay Elle: Entrepreneurship represents freedom. Entrepreneurship allows me to be my creative self and work at my own pace. I’m allowed to be exactly who I am as an entrepreneur. I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Patrice: How do you balance your work-life, personal life, and business life all at the same time?

Kay Elle: I think it’s important to create boundaries for yourself, especially as an entrepreneur in 2021. It is very easy to lack discipline when working for yourself. You must seek guidance outside of yourself to get yourself back on track sometimes. Discipline is most important and understanding when to rest is important as well. Scheduling and organization are key!

Patrice: What is next for MADE BY KAY Kitchen? Any new projects you will be working on?

Kay Elle: Next for us is embracing our LIT BLACK FOODIE journey! Our goal is to travel all around the world with our showcasing event. I’m currently working on adding a new layer to MADE BY KAY as well. I want to introduce the business side of the foodie world to my audience and supporters! We’re starting with an E-book series and an affordable online course program! Lastly, we will be expanding our MADE BY KAY merchandise line. It’s our clothing brand for all the dope foodies! We are incorporating new designs, which will include t-shirts, sweaters, aprons & more!

Connect with Kay of MADE BY KAY Kitchen!

Facebook: MADE BY KAY Kitchen

Instagram: @MadeByKayKitchen

Tik Tok: MADE BY KAY Kitchen

YouTube: Kay in The Kitchen

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Pamela D. Smith is an Evangelist, Best-Selling Author, and Authorpreneur who has dedicated her diverse pursuits to elevating the lives of women and authors around the world. She uses her literary talent to evangelize and bring others into the saving faith of Jesus Christ. She started a movement #healedlifewholewoman to help women release past hurt and pain and live a life of purpose and abundance. As an Authorpreneur, Pamela serves as a life and book coach and a self-publishing consultant. Pamela has worked with many authors and helped them pursue their dream of becoming published. She has been featured in several magazines, articles, podcasts, and blogs. She was recently named one of 11 Women in Marketplace Ministry to watch in 2021 by Sheen Magazine. To learn more about Pamela D. Smith visit her website at

My inspiration comes from the things I have been able to heal and break through from. My inspiration also comes from living, breathing examples of the gospel in demonstration. People who I watch who have mastered the art of overcoming!

Patrice: For those who do not know you, tell us a little bit more about yourself?

Pamela: I am a Wife, Mother of 3 boys, Glam Ma, and an Authorpreneur. In the Author Space, I write and self-publish my books, which are used to evangelize and minister to readers, help them heal and live a purpose driven life. I coach other aspiring, faith-based authors on how to do the same.

Patrice: What makes a pretty woman that hustles?

Pamela: Her spirit. Her tenacity. Her courage. The fact that she is not truly hustling as the word defines hustle, but she is in divine flow and living her life purposefully. A healed, whole woman is a pretty woman who hustles.

Patrice: How did you get your big start in business?

Pamela: I’ve been writing for as long as I could hold a pen. From journaling to re-wording and rewriting my friends love letters to their boyfriends, it’s something I have always done. About 16 years ago I gave God my “real” yes and decided to use writing as a ministry tool so I started self-publishing my writing and then other aspiring authors started asking if I could help them self-publish their books and from there the business was birthed.

Patrice: You are a woman that wears many hats in entrepreneurship such as being an evangelist, author, inspirational speaker and more! Where does your inspiration come from?

Pamela: My inspiration comes from the things I have been able to heal and break through from. My inspiration also comes from living, breathing examples of the gospel in demonstration. People who I watch who have mastered the art of overcoming!

Patrice: I want to talk about your love to help others in the literary world. How long have you been a literary agent to new and upcoming authors?

Pamela: I’ve been helping others self-publish for the last 5 years.

Patrice: Speaking of authors, you are one yourself! How many books have you published?

Pamela: I have published 9 books.

Patrice: Out of all the books you wrote, which one seems to be the reader’s favorite?

Pamela: I think there’s a split between my very first one-E3: Encouraged, Equipped, Empowered and my last one, While at the Altar.

Patrice: What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

Pamela: To me it means I have the liberty to enter an industry and set my own rules. Yes, I think it’s important to be knowledgeable in what is trending, but one can also be innovative and disrupt the industry. You can’t do that when you are working for someone else. Their rules and processes are their rules and processes.

Patrice: Tell us more about your business and what it intel.

 Pamela: As an Authorpreneur, I am a Christian Author, Speaker, and Coach so I write, publish, and sell books. I speak at Churches, Women Conferences and Empowerment Events. I also coach and serve as a Self-Publishing Consultant to aspiring authors to help them through the writing process and with self-publishing and launching their books

Patrice: Are you currently working on any new projects?

 Pamela: I am working on 3 client projects and from there I have some more that have already signed on. I’m booked with client projects until September. Glory be to God

Patrice: Do you plan on writing any more books soon?

Pamela: Yes. With every book I say it’s my last one because I want to focus 100% on clients, but God continues to download to me and I am always drawn back to writing another book. I have accepted that I have a writing ministry so I will never be able to get out of literary evangelism, whether that be through publishing books or blogs, God will continue to give me a message to share through a book.

Connect with Pamela:


Instagram: @pameladsmith1




They say traveling is good for the soul! But what if you traveled around the world anticipating finding something tremendous and pure? Now that I have your attention, I want to share a new black-owned business owner who discovered her love for making and selling tea with her brand LaRue 1680. Get your floral-colored cups and practice raising your pinky finger when giving cheers to your friends and family near and far. Meet Stephanie Sinclair, a business coach and single mom of 14-year old Caden. Growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, Sinclair always had a love to travel. She would spend time in the library thinking about the library’s travel book section.

In 2012 when Caden was only seven years old, Sinclair packed their things and began their traveling journey throughout Europe and Asia. During the stay down there, they were captivated by the luxury of Versailles and tea ceremonies in everyday life in Indonesia.  During their trip to Bali, Sinclair and her son were fascinated by the ritual of drinking tea and preparing it.  When they returned to the states in 2013, Sinclair brought the tradition back with them. Often she made fresh ginger and honey tea which was common in spas and stores in Indonesia. This later evolved into a business idea for her e-commerce brand. After being in and out of France in 2019 conducting research, Sinclair had her brand LaRue 1680 ready to launch in January of 2020.

Because of the pandemic, the launch was later pushed back to October of 2020. Since her business launch, Sinclair has seen a massive increase in sales which grew her business by 500%. Also, her customers are increasing and requesting in-person stores for LaRue 1680 to dress fancy and sip their fancy tea in their fancy cups. Sinclair’s dream was to create a sensual experience with her tea brand, and two months after the launch date, Netflix’s drama “Bridgerton” got the attention of audiences around the country! Everyone then wanted to sip different flavors from porcelain cups just like they did in the movie.

Visit the website at

Follow on Instagram @larue.1680

A storyteller and writer creating her own lane one opportunity at a time! Patrice Rivers is a 9x published author who created her own brand That Riverz Gurl Brand, LLC. Not only is she a certified journalist and freelance writer, but a Sickle Cell survivor and advocate. Patrice created the “Come Learn with Patricia” book series to share her personal testimony of living with SCD. Learn more about Patrice and That Riverz Gurl Brand, LLC by visiting Be sure to follow her on Instagram


Patrice: It is so great to sit down and interview you. Let the readers know who you are and what your business is.

At first, I never thought I wanted to act, but now I love the glam and being in front of the camera. Acting is something, and I am very interested.

Cree: Great to sit with you as well! Thanks for thinking of me to interview. My name is Cree Campbell. I am currently the newest member of Growing Up Hip Hop LA. My father is Luther Campbell, and my dad (Stepfather) is Ted Lucas, owner of Slip N Slide records. I own and operate two businesses ‘Inspire Agency’, an experiential marketing firm that cultivates branded moments and corporate events. ‘Inspire Body Recovery’ is a luxury post-op concierge service to assist “dolls” in their post-surgery journey.

Patrice: Tell us about your advocacy of health and wellness. How important is that for you?

Cree: Health and wellness are vital to me because I’ve seen the downside of not being healthy when it comes to family members suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease. This all stems from not living a healthy lifestyle.

Patrice: You are the latest cast of Growing up Hip Hop. How does that feel?

Cree: Wow! It’s insane! Being the newest member of WE TV #1 show ‘Growing Up Hip Hop LA’ is enormous for me and business overall. It’s an honor that they reached out and wanted me and to hear my story. I am genuinely excited about it.

Patrice: This is definitely exciting news since I’m also a fan of the show! What are you expected to learn from others on the show that has been on there for a while?

Cree: I do not think any expectations are made of me in regards to learning from anyone. However, I am open to learning because I do not know everything. Maybe I will learn something you’ll have to tune in in June.

Patrice: Will do! I will be counting down until June! LOL. So are you currently working on any new projects?

Cree: Yes! Omg, I have some pretty cool new stuff in the works for “C.Swim,” which is my swim line. I also have another brand called ‘FIM33’, “Faith in Motion33,” which is a workout line that Mama Tina came up with, and we are doing a mother-daughter project in regards to that. I am also purchasing land lots in Florida to build luxury single-family homes and duplexes geared towards middle-class families.  I feel like in certain areas, the houses are run- down, and everyone, no matter their financial status, should feel good and peace when entering their home.

Patrice: Wow! You have a lot going on for yourself and I see that you are an entrepreneur of many hats! Congrats to you in all your business ventures! Now since the pandemic hit last year and still is going on in 2021, has it affected your business or planned projects in any way?

Cree: The pandemic has ultimately shut down events for big branded clients, and it’s sad because I have all these concerts and partnerships that were ready to go for 2020 and 2021. But it made me look at life differently. I honestly feel less stressed without doing ground-up events. But I’ve also been given opportunities to partner with others and still execute concerts. My company was responsible for the first two ‘City Girls’ shows in Florida when JT was released from prison. I’ve always wanted to make sure to execute because I am low-key, and I wanted to make sure to put on for not only the city but my state!

Patrice: Blessings on top of blessings!  Have you been on other Television shows?

Cree: Yes. ‘Luke’s Parental Advisory’ on MTV, but I was young and extremely disconnected. It was probably the most awkward thing to be doing at 15 for me at the time.

Patrice: Do you see yourself becoming an actress in the long run?

Cree: At first, I never thought I wanted to act, but now I love the glam and being in front of the camera. Acting is something, and I am very interested. Someone should call Issa Rae and tell her I need to be in Rap Shit, lol.

Patrice: LOL. I understand because talent like Issa Rae deserves actresses like you who are hungry in this industry.

Follow Cree Campbell on IG @_itsmecree for more updates.

A storyteller and writer creating her own lane one opportunity at a time! Patrice Rivers is a 9x published author who created her own brand That Riverz Gurl Brand, LLC. Not only is she a certified journalist and freelance writer, but a Sickle Cell survivor and advocate. Patrice created the “Come Learn with Patricia” book series to share her personal testimony of living with SCD. Patrice is also the proud owner and creator of Versafi Media Magazine which is an online publication dedicated to entertainment news, articles and compelling interviews.  Learn more about Patrice and That Riverz Gurl Brand, LLC by visiting Be sure to follow her on Instagram and visit her website for her magazine at to learn more.